Facing Reality

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The young blonde blinked back her emerald orbs in shock at her Mother's more tender and calm response. "Y-you're not angry? No smart comment?"

"Well I'm not impressed, if that's what you're asking." Alice established with a slight fiery glare, folding her arms in frustration over her chest. "I mean, that little bastard got you pregnant and left you high and dry, and now he wants to pick up where he left off as if he didn't practically abandon you?!"

"At least he wants to try again!" Betty defended strongly. "And every time I look at Tyler, I'm just reminded of how fast he's growing and everything he's missed out on. He deserves his Dad in his life. Don't you wish you would've made things work with Dad, and gave us a proper family?"

A hint of guilt etched over her face, bowing her head slowly before she blinked back up at her daughter. "Sometimes." She reluctantly confessed. "But it wouldnt have been worth the drama and heartache it would've brought on you girls."

As much as she had craved a normal and traditional family set up when the girls were younger, she would be lying if she said he was the ideal man and Father to build that with.

"I don't wanna badmouth your Dad, God rest his soul, but if he really wanted to stick around and get straight? He would've, but the truth is, he wasn't a family man, and he wasn't cut out for it. Single parenthood ain't no picnic, but it was for the best." She cynically concluded.

"But that's the thing, Dad didn't care enough, but Jordan does. So what should I do?"

"I think, you should follow your heart." Alice warmly suggested, stroking her fingers through Betty's locks. She was never a parent to dictate her children's decisions nor was she one to push them to do things they didn't want to. As much as she wanted to protect her little girl, this was a decision Betty was going to have to come to herself, for herself, and Alice knew her influence couldn't intervene through that.

"I trust you to do whatever you think is right for you and Tyler, and I'll support you either way." Alice assured her strongly.

"Thanks Mom."

And with that, Betty quietly left the room with Tyler on her hip, leaving Alice with a huge thought prompted by their discussion for her to ponder further on.


"Relaxed enough?" FP sensually questions Alice as he tenderly massaged her neck and shoulders, basking in the hot water and bubbles that surrounded them and she leaned back into his strong chest.

"Perfect." Alice breathed out.

"How are you feeling, babe?"

"Pregnant." She joyously scoffed. "With twins. And this is just the start." She begins to rambled, making FP chuckle.

"I'm already showing." She huffs, staring down at her already present little bump. It's a slight curve, very recognisable when naked, but but still small enough to disguise with certain clothing, hence why none of her children had caught onto it yet.

"And I think that's beautiful." FP praises, reaching his hand down to her abdominal area and lightly rubbing against it.

"And I don't know how much worse my back and feet are gonna get. It wasn't this bad when I was pregnant with the girls but I guess that's what comes with double trouble." She noted as she rubbed her neck.

"Well I'll be giving you round the clock foot and back massages." He romantically promised. "Whenever you call, I'll be there, waiting on you hand and foot."

"About that...." Alice carefully begins, turning in his arms and staring into his eyes, nervously preparing what she wanted to say. She reflected back on her conversation with Betty earlier, and the importance of having both parent figures highly present for a child and raising them together in a secure family unit.


"What if, I didn't have to call you?"

"What do you mean?" He softly wondered, stroking his hands through her tied up hair.

"I was talking to Betty earlier-"

"You told her?" He quickly interjected, excited at the idea that they were now telling the kids.

"No, no. She was telling me about Tyler's Dad, and how he'd been in contact wanting to see him."

"And how did you feel about that?"

"Conflicted, I guess." Alice admitted, darting her eyes downwards "She mentioned wanting to build a co-parenting relationship with him, you know, make sure Tyler had a proper, stable family unit because he's already missed so much."

"Al, you don't have to worry about me missing out on anything, I'm gonna be here every step of the way." He comforted as he glided his fingers over her shoulder.

"I know you won't, and I know you're not going anywhere." Alice reaffirmed, stroking her hands through his half shaven beard. "It's just, I want these babies to have a normal and stable and home life, with both parents around fully."

FP remained mildly puzzled, arching his brow in confusion as he continued to listen to her attentively. "So, what are you saying?"

She inhaled a deep sigh, slowly shifting her gaze back to his soft brown orbs as she readied herself to speak. "I was thinking, that maybe, we should move in together. What d'you say?"

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