•Expecto Patronum•

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"Ophelia I did it!" Harry exclaimed as he stormed into Ophelias dorm.

The room was lit by vanilla scented candles and some light from the window. Ophelia was laying on the bed in a sports bra and short shorts.

"You know what knocking is right?" Ophelia teased, patting the bed for Harry to come over and sit. "What did you do?"

Harry sat down next to her on the bed and pulled out his wand.

"I got my patronus." Harry explained, pointing his wand towards the middle of the room. He concentrated for a moment before saying, "Expecto patronum!"

A whisp of beautiful blue mist shot out of Harry's wand, forming the shape of a stag. Ophelia was mesmerized by the way it moved and glided through the room. It was beautiful.

"That's amazing Harry." Ophelia said, still admiring the stag. "I knew you could do it."

Harry grinned as the stag exited through the window, leaving the two alone.

"Do you want me to teach you?" Harry asked, still grinning. "I'm sure you'd be a natural at it, but not even Hermione can do it yet."

Ophelia was shocked that Hermione hadn't been able to do it yet; she was also doubtful that she could since Hermione couldnt.

"Sure." Ophelia replied, pulling out her wand. "What do I have to do?"

"Think of the happiest thought that you can." Harry replied, positioning his hands over Ophelias on her wands and showing her the movement.

"What memory do you use?" Ophelia asked.

Harry bit his lip very slowly before answering. He was clearly either embarrassed or just awkward.

"Halloween." Harry replied. "When we were carving pumpkins."

Both of their cheeks went bright red with blush when he said that. It had been a great day for them but Ophelia felt warmed by the thought that Harry's happiest memory was with her. Harry felt that way about it too.

Raising her wand, Ophelia looked at Harry once more. She smiled at him as she tried to come up with a happy memory. Then she did.

"Expecto Patronum." Ophelia rechorused smiling. Her wand lit dimly at the end and then went out. It was obvious she wouldn't get it first try.

Harry nodded at her when she put her wand out once more to try it.

Suddenly, there was a scream from the boys dorms. It was about 1:00am at the moment and everybody was bound to be asleep. What was going on.

Gripping Ophelias hand, Harry ran out of her dorm. She rushed behind him, still gripping his hand. As they ran past the stairs, Ophelia saw the common room door closing. Somebody was escaping.

Without thinking, Ophelia let go of Harry's hand and jumped down several steps at once.

"Ophelia!" Harry yelled.

But it was too late, Ophelia was already running at full blast out of the common room. She could see a shadow of a man ahead of her; they made several sharp turns before they reached a dead end. That's when she realized,

It was Sirius black.

He turned and stared at her from a few feet away. The man looked like he hadn't slept in ages; for some reason, Ophelia felt bad for him.

"Ophelia granger is it?" Sirius chuckled quietly. How did he know her name?

"How did you even know my name?" Ophelia replied, keeping a sharp grip on her wand. The wizard clearly didn't have a wand at the moment, just the knife in his hands.

The man then did something Ophelia would've never expected. He turned into a black dog. The black dog that Harry and her had seen at the quidditch pitch. The dog turned back to human a second later, still grinning.

He opened a doorway in the wall, leading to a passageway. This passageway was dark and dim; Ophelia was sure filch didn't know of it.

"Look Ophelia. I'm not out to kill Harry." Sirius began as he stepped into the passageway. "You've got to believe me. I didn't kill all those people years ago."

Ophelia was stuck staring at the man; why would he have showed her that he could transform? It made 0 sense if he was really a criminal.

The two could hear footsteps coming nearer.

Ophelia, instead of leaving Sirius, pushed him back into the passageway and stepped in behind him, closing the door quietly behind her.

Sirius was evidently shocked the girl had done that. Not many people would lock themselves in a passageway with a said to be murderer.

"I'm a bloody idiot." Ophelia ranted in a whisper to herself.

"No, you're a smart girl." Sirius replied quietly, causing Ophelia to look up. "No wonder he's bestfriends with you. He's so much like his father."

Completely shocked by the mans words, Ophelia stared at him. She wasn't scared anymore, though her heart was still hammering in her chest. Why did going with the killer seem like the smart thing to do.

"You were friends with his father?" Ophelia asked suddenly, causing Sirius to chuckle.

"And his mother." Sirius replied. "Great people they were. I would never have.."

Ophelia looked up when he trailed off. He had clearly been about to say something important. Even just by his highlited features by the dim light in the tunnel you could tell he was thinking.

"Done what?" Ophelia asked, staring up at the man.

"They say I gave away Harry's parents location to the dark lord." Sirius explained. "Which I didn't."

"Then who did?" Ophelia asked, actually believing him.

The sound around them suddenly flowed with footsteps. Clearly all the students were being rushed to the great hall while they searched for Sirius black.

"Peter Pettigrew." Sirius replied urgently. He looked into Ophelias eyes and finished with, "keep Harry safe for me. This will all make sense soon enough. And don't tell anybody I can-"

"Turn to a dog." Ophelia finished his sentence for him. He gave her an appreciative nod and darted down the passageway and out of view, leaving Ophelia all alone.

Once Sirius was completely out of view, Ophelia turned around and quietly exited the secret passageway and entered the school. She shut it behind her and darted around corners until she found groups of students. She joined the walking students urgently as her thoughts began to flow.

She didn't know why she believed Sirius. He knew her name and everything, but how? And Peter pettigrew was supposed to be dead years ago, how could he be alive? Somehow, just somehow, Sirius' story added up. Ophelia was going to trust him, hopefully she wouldn't regret it.

"Ophelia!" Harry called out, crashing into her and wrapping her in his arms.

Taken aback, Ophelia hugged back and buried her head into his chest. He was breathing heavily.

"You went after Sirius Black?" Harry whispered into her ear. They all knew Sirius was in the common room.

"I'll tell you later." Ophelia whispered back before grabbing his hand and pulling him back into the crowd.

The two set up for sleeping in the great hall that night. Harry was evidently worried and Hermione had no idea Ophelia had gone off after Sirius. Thank goodness Harry didn't tell them she ran off.


"Cant sleep?" Harry whispered. Everybody was now sleeping; all except Harry, Ophelia and a few teachers who were circling the room.

"Too much on my mind." Ophelia replied truthfully. "Why can't you?"

"Just a killer after me that's all." Harry replied in a quiet chuckle. Ophelia grinned and stared into his eyes.

The green eyes glimmered in the dim moonlight from the window. His eyes were genuinely beautiful.

Seconds later, the two fell asleep, comforted by just laying near each other. They were safe with each other.

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