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"We'll see you guys at the feast." Hermione said smiling.

It was now Halloween, Ophelias favourite holiday after Christmas. She was semi-upset she wasn't going to hogsmeade but was very glad she got to stay with Harry.

"Of course." Ophelia replied dryly. Hermione rolled her eyes and walked out of the common room with Ron. He gave her and Harry a smile before walking out of view.

Ophelia kicked her feet up on the table of the empty common room table. Everybody except Harry and her were at hogsmeade. There weren't any 1st or 2nd years in the common room yet; they were all still sleeping.

"Quidditch?" Harry said with a grin, standing up and yanking Ophelia out of her seat. "Come on it'll be fun."

Ophelia stumbled as Harry pulled her to her feet. She felt herself lean against him and wrap her arm around his neck to balance herself.

The two of them were leaning against each other and their faces were barely inches apart. Ophelia grinned at Harry's red face and kissed his cheek to make him more awkward.

"Thank you." Ophelia teased, removing her arm from around Harry's neck. "Let's go then. Don't be slow Potter."

Harry gripped her wrist and spun her around. Ophelia looked up into his beautiful eyes for a moment.

"What was that?" Harry asked awkwardly. He had the feeling Ophelia had feelings for him and she could tell.

Ophelia opened her mouth in surprise before turning it to a grin.

"Harry I don't have feelings for you if that's what you were going to ask." Ophelia stated, stepping away from Harry and laughing. "I'm 13! I'm not going to have a crush on Harry Potter like every other girl."

Harry followed her out of the common room awkwardly. For some reason, a part of him hoped that Ophelia had liked him; he thought he was being ridiculous considering how they were both only 13, but a part of him didn't feel guilty. He shook off the feelings quickly though; he could not like Ophelia. She was Hermiones little sister.

He was a little offended at the comment of every girl except her liking him. He didn't like when people saw him as "the boy who lived." He smiled though. Harry knew Ophelia saw him as her bestfriend, not the boy who lived. But why did she make it seem like he couldn't get her if he tried?

Ophelia smiled through her awkwardness as they walked out of the school. She knew Harry could get her wrapped around his finger if he tried, but she only saw him as a bestfriend. Anything other than that was a stupid theory.

"Have you finished the stupid Potions essay?" Ophelia asked. "I can't figure out any of it. Snape said he's going to get me a tutor if I don't fix my grades."

Potions was the one thing Ophelia struggled with. Everything else was perfect.

"I haven't started it." Harry replied truthfully. "And maybe a tutor would be alright?" He added.

Ophelia laughed at the idea of having a tutor.

As they walked through the leaves and very light snow, they saw the quidditch field in the distance. Ophelia grinned and got excited at the sight of it. She started running and broke into multiple handsprings.

"You're going to hurt yourself you bloody idiot!" Harry yelled, running after her.

Once they reached the gorgeous quidditch pitch, Ophelia gained her balance slowly. Harry helped her stand at first. All the flipping made her beyond dizzy.

The golden snitch buzzed around their heads as they mounted their brooms. They kicked off at the same time. The cold wind pushed against their faces harshly, but it felt refreshing to the both of them.

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