What confused him was why the organization would do something like this. He would not just correct 750 texts over the weekend. More like 300 because not everyone writes a letter but still. Which sane person would correct 300 confessions of high school students over the weekend? Yaku could and would never. Yet, he was thankful. It would probably have been a bit awkward if there were some grammatical mistakes in it.

He finally opened the texts and started reading the last and shortest one. It was the one with the red frame, which caught his eye instantly. It was a sweet but kind of superficial confession. They most probably only know him from the Club and maybe from The libero's social media. At the end was a little note from the author: 'hey Yaku-san, this girl is really nice but her crush isn't that deep yet. Please take your time and reject her probably. You guys will meet tomorrow in the great break at the gym so you can tell her that you're gay and that she should forget about this tiny crush. She will understand and everything is going to be fine. Be nice, okay? thx and best wishes from the organizer'

Yaku shook his head. He actually wanted to spend the break with his friends but that couldn't be changed now. Of course, he would reject her properly and be nice. wh wouldn't want that and he lives under the prefix 'treat others so that they feel how you want to feel' a version of the saying 'treat others the way you want to be treated' but he thought the first one was more accurate.

He opened the second letter and looked through it. It was from a boy he once had a group project with and the boy told him about how amazing he was but through the confession, he realized that it was more of a 'you're my idol and inspiration' text than an 'i like you, please go out with me' one. This one had a note as well. 'Please talk to him after geography. Maybe you realized but he rather adores you than actually liking you. I told him this as well, but it helps if you do too. You both could be good friends, just saying'

Before he could on the third and last one he heard a sigh coming from Lev. "Why did they write anonymously. I read this text 3 times now and the only useful information of them is that they support lgbtqia+ and are most probably a part of it. Also, they seem to be either male or nonbinary. But that's it. Nothing more, just 'I really like how bright and absolutely stunning your eyes look when you're talking about something you like', like stalker much?" he said shaking his head repeatedly.

Yaku was really uncomfortable with Lev reading out the letter he wrote. He looked to Inuoka for help as his eyes caught Kenmas. He was devilishly smirking at him. "Wow, is the whole text so corny and love-drunk like that?" the setter teased the latter. "Yeah. But it's really nice and I think that they have deep feelings for me, like really, really deep feelings" the tall male responded, not acknowledging the actual intention of the question he was asked. "That's cool. So are you going to reject them or not?" Kenma dug deeper. "Well, I would obviously reject them if I knew who they are" This made Yaku feel a little stitch in his chest. He tried to keep the conversation to cover the pain he felt: "Really? On all of my confessions, there was a little note about how and when I could talk to them". "r-really?" Lev asked, somehow a bit insecure. Yaku couldn't tell the obvious reason behind the behaviour. "Well, two. I couldn't read further because you interrupted me" "Sorry Yaku-san. It's just so sad because this confession here is really sweet and so well written. It is just so sad because I think they really like me and I will never be able to return these feelings and I can't even reject them properly because I don't know who they are. And they seem like a  truly kind person and I just can't help hoping they were the person I've been in love with for so long. I just lo- liked them for so long but I know that they would never think or write like that. Especially not for me" Lev said frowning. It broke Yakus's heart just a little more. "Hey, you're not the only one with unrequited love, hah" he said looking the taller direct in the eyes. This quickly glanced over at Inuoka who was happily chatting with Shibayama, both smiling brightly. Yaku followed his glance and slightly smiled due to one of the blonde's closest friends being so happy while talking with his crush. At this moment Lev looked at Yaku and interpreted it completely wrong, thinking that Yaku was talking about Inuoka. He frowned slightly before setting up a happy facade and just saying some random thoughts he had "If we're both single and still hopelessly in love with 21 we just get married haha". He didn't know why he said that, it just slipped out. Yaku would probably laugh at him or maybe even realize that he was the one writing one of the love letters the smaller got. He blushed furiously and buried his face in his hands. "sorry haha, I didn't mean it like that. I mean we could but I doubt that we both stay single for that long haha. I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable" he mumbled in his hands, yaku still understanding every word. "Nah, nothing's wrong haha. You didn't make me uncomfortable. Anyway, I'll pick you up on this offer if needed" Yaku said, blushing as well. This statement made Lev look up to a smiling Yaku. This made him blush even more so he laid his head on the table. "you okay? Is it too hot? Wait I have a fan with me, hold on" Yaku said while looking at Lev worriedly and afterwards searching for the fan he brought. "Here" he said while pointing at the fan in his hand. It was pride-coloured, obviously. Lev just let out an "mhm" and buried his face deeper in the table. This made the libero frown. He just 'fanned' the latter while looking towards the counter, waiting for their orders.

As they finally got their orders, Lev looked at Yaku questioningly. The libero had ordered instead of the lemon ice he'd normally take, hazelnut flavoured one. Yaku saw the taller staring and offered him some of his ice-cream. Lev gladly took the offer. He really liked the taste. He would definitely order it more often. He quickly gave it back to Yaku and offered him a fork of his waffles. Instead of taking the fork off of the taller's hand, Yaku opened his mouth. Lev just went with the flow and fed some of the waffle combined with lemon-flavoured ice-cream. Yaku's eyes lit up as the food touched his tongue. The lemon ice-cream here was the best. He would definitely come here more often. The waffles added perfectly to the flavour. He really wanted to eat more. Maybe he would even order the same for himself. He looked to Lev who was as red. Yaku thought that it was just too hot for Lev so he took the fan and wagged it in front of the grey-haired's face. This didn't really help, still, Yaku continued.

After Lev got over this wave of feelings and butterflies he took the fan out of Yaku's hand, their hands brushing together way longer than it would have been necessary. Then Lev gave Yaku some more of the waffles, eating some in between. Yaku did the same with his ice cream so they ended up sharing their entire food.

They continued talking about everything and nothing while waiting for their desserts until it was time to go home. Lev and Yaku walked together like always. This time even closer than before, their hands brushing every now and then. As they arrived at Yaku's place they hugged while talking about how much they enjoyed this day and finally saying their goodbyes.

This evening both boys fell asleep with a goofy smile on their faces, completely forgetting about their jealousy from the previous days.

The Pride Confession, yakulev (ShibayamaxInuoka)Where stories live. Discover now