Chapter 14: The Beginning of the End

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Marinette woke up startled from a nightmare she thought she'd left behind at District 12.

She remembered each of the dreams she had the night before the reaping, especially the one where Adrien had been a tribute in the Miraculous Games. That morning she hadn't expected it to come true, but the possibility that it would was closer than ever.

She regretted what she said to him the night before. He had just been trying to apologize for yelling at her, and she used his presence so she could monologue about how despairing she was. She should've been there comforting him, reassuring him, not just feeling sorry for herself.

A knock on her bedroom door signalled she might never get to fix that. She had to get going to arrive at the arena before the games began. Maybe she might never get to talk to him again.

The person who knocked on her door turned out to be Alya, who lead Marinette up to the rooftop even though she was still in her nightgown. A hovercraft picked her up from there, and she would've felt awed to finally be in what she considered to be a marvel of technology if her nerves hadn't been so distracting.

She'd barely woken up yet she already felt sick to her core. It was the day where she would finally be tested on all that she'd learnt in training, attacked by the other tributes, and maybe killed by them too. 

She might be dead within an hour.

Alya, who stayed with her, tried to distract her from her thoughts. The designer kept trying to make conversation about Marinette's life back in District 12, but the bluenette couldn't bring herself to give anything more than short, one-word answers. Despite that, she still appreciated the effort her friend was making.

As they got off the aircraft, Marinette was injected with her tracking device. The needle barely hurt her because of her state of mind numbing stress, and when she didn't react at all to it Alya looked more concerned than ever. 

They climbed down into tunnels beneath the arena, a labyrinth that would one day be used for tourists from the Capitol to come to and remember the events of the 74th Miraculous Games. She could just imagine the ridiculous looking citizens strolling through the hallways, making light conversation about the tributes who died and laughing at the stupidity of some.

"Oh look," she could picture one saying, "Above this spot is where Marinette Mellark died. I would greatly lover to rewatch her death! The way that girl Chloe carved her up with knives is so dramatic!"

She shivered, and Alya drew closer to her side.

Eventually the pair came to a special preparation room that had food laid out on a pristine white table, an outfit hanging from a metal bar and a huge plastic tube down the middle. That must be what would take her to the arena.

With her friend's help, Marinette put on the clothes. Flexible pants made of a soft material, leather boots, a dark green shirt, and a jacket. 

"The material is made to reflect body heat," Alya informed her, looking closely at the material. "You can expect it to be cold."

Marinette frowned at that, but was glad at least that she was equipped with what she needed to survive the arena. The frown turned into some faint semblance of a smile as she slipped the boots onto her feet. 

They were soft and flexible, easy for running or stalking in, but thick enough to protect her feet. Wearing them with her ensemble made her feel prepared in a way only clothes could. 

She'd always associated clothes with the Games. Her sewing project each year was a dress for her to wear at the reaping, and the one part of watching the Games that she actually enjoyed was seeing all the tributes ride out in their costumes, which she would critique, take notes on and appreciate.

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