1. Plans

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"Harry I know we spoke about having a baby on our honeymoon but are we really ready? I mean we just got married. Maybe we should slow down and enjoy it being just the both of us for a while?" You said while laying in the bath with Harry sat behind you, the warm water relaxing you.

"I'm glad you brought that up. I was thinking that. The fact that you haven't gotten pregnant yet could be a sign? That we're not supposed to have a baby right now. I just didn't want you to think that I didn't want one," you smiled and shook your head leaning into him more.

"It's just not the right time for us. One day, but not now," you felt him nod his head behind you and were glad you were both on the same page.



You had gone for a run around two hours ago but run into your old friend from school and her 10 day old daughter and ended up going for a coffee with them. Which got you thinking, now that Harry and you had been married for two years, were you ready for a child?

You wanted kids, and you weren't getting younger. Yes, you still had plenty of time but sometimes there were implications and we don't have all the time in the world.

You ran home and slipped your runners off at the door. You slipped upstairs to your bathroom and jumped in the shower. Once you were finished you finally decided you should talk to Harry.

"Hey babe," you kissed his cheek as you walked over to the sofa where he was sitting.

"Hi love, how's it going?" He asked turning the TV volume down.

"I want to talk to you about something," he looked at you then turned the tv off and back at you again.

"Ok," he looked like you were about to ask him for a divorce or something.

"I think we're ready for a baby. I ran into an old friend from school on my run so we went for a coffee and she's just had a little girl. Oh she's beautiful Harry and her lovely blue eyes. And the love between {your friends name} and the baby I want that kind of love with someone. I want to love someone else as unconditionally as I love you," he took it all in and then a smile started to break on his face.

"I'm so glad you're ready. I can't wait to have mini-me-and-you's running about!" He said excitedly, throwing his arms around me pulling me into him. "How about we get started now?" He cocked his eyebrow up.

"Well there isn't any time like the present is there?"

Pregnancy Series (Harry Styles) // Book 2Where stories live. Discover now