Chapter 22

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Asher POV:

My head is pounding in pain, hammering and screaming in agony. I pry my eyes open confused, why is my head hurting?. At first I can't see much, just a swirl of darkness as my vision spins until it finally focuses enough fo me to see. I'm met with the dark, damp concrete walls, the sound of the leaking pipes and the smell of dirt, dry blood and water damage hit my noes like a brick wall. 

No no no no no no! No please I can't be back here please please tell me this is another nightmare! Please!

Memories of that mall flash through my mind. We bought clothes, ate lunch, then we went back the car, and father...JAY!!! What happened to him!? Were is he, is he ok? Did dad kill him? My breathing picked up as my mind runs through every terrifying Scenario of what could have happened so much I almost forget I'm back at home, back in the basement, back with dad.

The door slammed above the stares I couldn't see, but I didn't look to know who was coming. I feel ever muscle in my body turn to stone as he takes each step closer, I stopped breathing, stopped thinking, just stopped.

His hand takes at my hair, pulls it from my roots and twists my head to face his enraged face and he snarled at me.

"Do you realise how much trouble you put me through? DO YOU REALLY THINK YOU COULD GET AWAY!!!"He shrieks so loud into my ear it starts ringing. His fist comes flying to my face and crashing down on my jaw,

"DID YOU THINK YOU WOULDN'T PAY!!!"His releases my hair only to backhand me, sending my back to the hard cold floor.

"oh no, your going to pay. Your going to pay for every thing you did to me, everyone you took."his voice calm but sent terror through my veins. He walks over to the locked box in the far corner of the room, I know all to well what was in there and that terrified me. The first thing he grabs is the chain,, he always gets the chain first. Dragging my whimpering body he ties me by my wrists with the chain to the small hook in the ceiling, the metal instantly digging into my fragile flesh and pressing into my bones as it suspended me in the air.

He slid on the metal grips onto his hands and knuckles then just smirks in pure joy, knowing exactly whats to come. Punch after punch the metal around his fists collides with almost every inch of my skin, brushing every bone, some parts bled out where the metal had breached my frail skin. After he was finally tired and sweating, finally out of breath but not out of rage and I hang by my hands that had now gone num and cold, my entire body crying knowing I probably had a few broken bones. He left the room, but that only petrified me more. I know he's not done, and he wont come back alone.

I'm right. He returned with another man, one I knew from before. I don't know his name or who he is. I just know he is as sick and deluded as dad, maybe even worse. I know whats coming when dad finally releases me from the chains above me, blood rushing back to my hands as the burst alive with a pain buzzing sensation.

But this time it's different, this time I'm not just a hollow shell anymore, I may be in more pain than I have been in a long time, my body barley able to breath with out erupting in agony. I just want it to go away, I want it to just end, just stop and the pain to go away. I want to just die. And leave this cruel world behind.

But I saw Jay. I see his smile and his forest green eyes. I hear his laugh and I long to feel his strong safe arms around me again. I don't want to die, I just want Jay. I want him to take me away and tell me it's going to be fine. My mother always said to look for the beautiful things in life, and I've kept my self alive because I wanted to see the beauty before I go, I wanted to see Jay.

"I really do hope you had fun with your little bitch, I alway knew you were a whore through and through. Just a disgusting little fag, I feel like vomiting even thinking that you share my blood, fucking waste of sperm."He spits in my ear before the room was filled with my painful, suffering screams. But I fought back, I thrashed through the pain and I punched and kicked and did I everything I could to make them feel pain to.

-AAAHHHH MY BABY!!!! No I'm about to cry honestly like wtf.

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