Chapter 2

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Jay's POV:

It took 5 hours to get to our new 'temporary' home. I drove the moving truck while Mum drove Lily in my car. We didn't pack everything we had, just the essentials so we left my mums cars back at our 'old' house.

Driving up to the house the first thing I notice is how big it is. Our 'old' one was a rather large house as well, but this ones a freaking MANSION! Seriously I didn't know dad had this kind of money growing up. I park the truck in the ridiculously large drive way and got out to meet mum and Lily.

"jeez mum, are we at the right place?"I ask as she got out my car along with Lily.

"Yeah, this is Alans place. I remember he used to sneak out through the window around the back and across the balcony to meet me." She said with a small, ever so slight smile on her lips. I feel a tug in my heart, mum and dad really were In love for over 20 years, ever since high school. I wish my life works out like that someday.

Mum wanted to help take in the boxes from the truck but after some convincing me and Lily got her to go take some rest, get some sleep. I can see how exhausted she really was, even if try's to cover it up with smiles and make up, she really cant fool us. After all the boxes we're inside the house, I took my boxes up to the room I have claimed as mine and Lily takes to one opposite mine. The room is slightly lager than my old one. It has a queen size bed to the right wall in a wooded frame. There is a desk on the left with empty shelves above it, there is two wardrobes, a flat screen facing the bed and a bathroom in the far left corner of the room. The walls are either a dark red or black, the floor is wood with a large black carpet in the middle of the room. All in all it's a pretty nice room. I really can't be bother to pack up shit today and to be honest I'm pretty hungry. With that though I go over to Lily's room and ask her if she wants to come shopping with me while mum is still asleep. She literally jumps at the idea.

We take my car and head over to the nearest super store which is a 10 minute drive away, not too bad. The drive is completely silent apart from the radio in the background, and the awkwardness is killing me.

"if you want anything just throw it in the trolly."I tell Lily as I take out the trolly from the rest and enter the store. Inside was slightly warmer then the cold brisk air out side. With out wasting any time we start to venture through each isle, picking up what we needed. Lily grabbed a few sour patch kids and chocolate with that innocent grin on her face.

"You're the one who said I could get anything I wanted."

"True, but I'm stealing half of them weather you like it or not."

"Uggg, fat ass."

"What? Your the one picking it up in the first place!"


After an entire hour we finally finish shopping for all we need and more we head to the cashier.

"I haven't see you before? Are you new?"the cashier, a middle aged ginger head man asked as he checked out out food.

"Yeah, umm we just moved in today not far from here."I try to be s cryptic as possible, I really don't want to have this conversation,

"Wait! You the lot that moved into the house on port drive?"

"Umm, yh"This dude was seriously creeping me out, I mean sure he's just being polite but still. Much to my dismay we have only gotten through half of the shopping.

"Cool. What made you guys move into this tiny town?"he innocently asked. I felt Lily tense at the mention of the subject, but remained quite.

"It's uhh my dads old house."I answer trying curve around the subject. He instantly stopped moving and raised his head up to look me straight in the eye. His eyes held curiosity and.....fear?

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