Chapter 8

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Jays POV:

I can't believe what just happen today. Driving back to my house I couldn't get his face out my head, couldn't stop thinking about him. His voice, his eyes, his bruises, his scars. I felt anger slowly build up inside m at the thought of how hurt he is, he's so skinny and beat. I Swear when I find out who did it I'm going to FUCKING murder them. How could anyone do that to him? He's so fragile and adorable, that's like killing a puppy or kitten, how could you do that?

I though about him through out the entire night, and the morning, and all the way to school .

"HELLOOOOO!!!" I snap out of my trance to see a dark hand waving in front of my face.

"yh what, sorry."I chuckled

"Jeez what is up with you? I asked where were you yesterday, I didnt see you at lunch."Amy said as we made our way to our lockers, which are conviniantly right next to each other.

"Oh, well funny story there. I actually took Asher home after he passed out and refused to go to the nures."I reply with a grin the size of my face, it not my fualt I cant help smiling.

"WHAT!!! AND YOU DIDN'T TELL ME!!!"she shreiked, cathching the attention of many passing stuadents.

"Yeah Ill explain it all in free period before lunch, meet me in the library, promise. But I have to go to biolagy now."

"I want all the details or ill cut off your dick and shove it down your thraot!!" wow, that was harsh. I shivered at the thought that she would prbably actually do that. I just turn and walk away with a look of horror plastered on my face.

I walk into biolagy and scan the room for the one boy who likes to make himslef invisable, he was pretty good at it too. I spot him in the far right of the room, and theres a free seat next to his, so thats obviously were I go to sit down. Class started moments later and it was boring as hell even for me, Ive already covered the toipc before. So I do the only thing I can think of.

"You joining my table at lunch?"I write on the coner of my page and rip it of before sliding it onto hos desk. He reads it then looks back at me in shock. It takes him a while to think about it but eventualy he writes down his answer ans pases it back to me.

"If you want me to, then yes." I read from the scrap of paper, it instantly slapped a smile on my face.

"....So then he agreed to be friends with me and I took him home."I explained as Amy had her eyes trained on me the entire time. I told her everything that happened yesterday, when I took him home, how he was littered with bruises, how skinny he was. I conveniently left out the part about why Asher struggles with his speech and his past, I don't really think it's my place to say that.

"YOUR AN IDIOT!!"She screams in my face like a lunatic, earning many shushes and evil glares from the students in the library.

"Huh? Why am I and idiot?"

"Oh your blind too. Jeez" she huffed and pinched the bridge of her noes.

"You literally friend zoned him, why would you do that? He was at your house! You helped him and he trusted you, you just threw that away by asking him to be your 'friend'. Thats stupid."

"NO, I asked him to be my friend because I want to take it slow, you know get to know him a bit and shit like that so he's like comfortable around me, before like bombarding him, he seems fragile."

"My god, you really are in love with him. And about the bruises, do you think it was Justin?"Even just hearing his name made me want to smash his pathetic face in.

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