Chapter 21

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Jays POV:

We finally decided to leave the burger place. I pay for the food to a different waiter, I think I may have scared the other girl away, oops. Eh she had it coming but to some extent I should thank he, I can't lie when she gave me her number I was shocked because I hand't notice that she had taken a liking to me, but when Asher ripped the paper in half with out a second thought, I was both surprised and proud. I mean he's hardly said a word today and clinging to me like a koala( an extremely cute koala). I didn't mind it, It just upset me that he was that afraid of people, that broken.

The girls decide to stay for a while and said there going to catch the bus back. But we had what we came for and I don't think Asher would have liked to stay here longer than necessary so I decided to head home.

With bags hanging off my left arm and and arm around Asher's slightly trembling form we make it to the parking lots below, spotting my car easily. It was completely void of living souls down here(or so I thought), but filled with cars parked neatly in each box. Asher reluctantly detached himself from me and head to the front of the car as I fished my keys out and dump bags in the trunk. I hear a small yelp just as I slam the trunk door down.

"Asher?"I question as it echoed through the parking lot. Peering around the car my heart stopped. Asher stood there, frozen, more petrified than I had ever seen him before as he stared at a man standing on the road between the rows of cars, arms crossed over his chest with an evil unsettling smirk. He had brown hair and his beard was stumbled and uneven, his eyes were an icy greyish blue and cold as he stared at Asher.

"Did you seriously believe I wouldn't find you?"his voice calm and laced with malice directed at the trembling boy that stood just infront of me. I take a single step toward him but I'm yanked back by the neck as an arm wraps tightly around my neck and something hard and cold touched the side of my head. Fear shoots through my as the man let out a devilish laugh at me feeble attempt to get free, until I notice what the hard cold thing is, a gun.

"JAY!"Asher's terrified voice Pierces the air like a knife. His eyes bulging out his smokes as tears slip out Down his rosey cheeks.

"it's ok, I'm ok."I try to sympathies with a soothing tone, desperately hiding the fear that laces my words as I offered a shaky smile even though I'm about ready to fucking piss my pants. Never moving my eyes from his ones, the fear in them tore through my chest and stabbed my heart, WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON?

"Oh, are you though?"He man questions with a sense of power.

"Look, take what ever the fuck you want ok. Take the car or my fucking card I don't care! Just let us go and I swear I won't call the cops or shit, please."I plead desperately but he just laughs once more and walks over to Asher, draping an arm around his shoulder menacingly. I could see Asher hold his breath and squeeze his eyes shut and he tries his best not to scream and hold in his fear. How dare he touch him!! I jerk forward temporarily forgetting the gun at my head and the arm around my neck, yanking me back. Another man came from around the side of the car and came towards me. Not hesitating to punch me square in the jaw, flicking my face to face the concrete floor. The pain erupted from the blow as the metallic tase fills my mouth. I lift my head back at the man and glare daggers at him but not being able to do anything about it as I'm still bound. My focus shifts back to Asher's how looks like he was going to faint any second under the mans touch.

"I think you have this all wrong Jayson. You see, this little thing here..."His grip on Asher shifts to his neck, his fingers wrapping around his fragile air way and starts squeezing. I watch in horror as Asher's hands fly to his neck and scratch desperately at his hand but he doesn't budge, just tight ends his grip.

" my pathetic excuse for a son. No matter how disgusting this whore is, he belongs with me, he's MINE!"He hissed out, not even batting an eyes at Asher choked breath and broken whimpers.

"LET GO YOUR HURTING HIM!!! Let go of him you FUCKING bastard! PLEASE LET HIM GO!!! PLEASE!!!"I begged at pleaded as he made me watch Asher squirm under his grip. I can't think, It feels like I can't even breath as I'm not able to tear my eyes from his face as it starts to true a blue tint. I don't register the wet liquid that rolled down my own cheeks as I Kick and thrash in the man behind me so hard as I try to pry free. I stomp my heel on the guys foot and his grip slips ever so slightly, enough for my to elbow his stomach and slips out of his hold as he grunts in pain. I don't get a single set before the second guys reacts and Knees my in the gut, making me double over but I don't feel the pain. The first guy had recovered and had his hands wrapping around my neck once again and the gun pointed at my head, but this time I hear it click as the threatens to shoot causing my fo freeze up.

"Please ok, j-just let go please. Asher? Asher!! Please!!"I Beg, still fighting against my captor even with a gun to my head, I didn't care. The devil just smirked curly as Asher's eyes start to drop slowly as he fights against it.

"ASHER!!!"I words painfully ripped though my throat and echoed in the air. His father finally releases him just as his eyes closed, but they flung open as he dropped to the floor in a painful thud. Coughing and wheezing as he grips his throat desperately trying to get air into his lungs. I felt the relief flood over me like a refreshing wave, but It was slaughtered as the father steps back just enough to come back and swing his foot at Asher's face as he curled on the floor, connecting with such force Asher was out in a second, his head hitting the hard concrete in a sickening crack.

I just stare at his limp, still body sprawled across the floor. My eyes burned, begging me to blink but I couldn't. I couldn't move or speak or fucking breath. I don't notice as the sick bastard stacked over to me, grabbing my chin harshly and forcing me to look into his dead empty cold blue eyes, his breath of beer and alcohol hitting my noes in a unbearable stench.

"Huh, you look a lot like your father, apart from the eyes that's definitely from Cathrin. On account of your parents, your father in particular being a good friend of mine before he passed I'll let you go. If you are wise you will not come back for the pathetic lump of bones over there because if I see you again I will kill you." He simply states before stepping back and nudging to the man behind me. I felt the gun move from my head, but second later It come smashing down to the side of my head and I get dragged into the black obis.

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