Chapter 6

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Jays POV:

I didn't end up going to the party yesterday, I figured since I beat the shit out of Justin my Invitation would probably be null and void at this point. Nowadays Ive just been confused about everything. I should be bummed that I didn't go, but I didn't mind one bit, In fact since Amy wasn't going to go I didn't WANT to go in the first place. I'm not the same person I was back at my old school, I used to gossip with the girls and teases the nerds and emo's, I used to go to party's just for the sake of whoever's there even if I didn't know any of them. Although I never Physically bullied a kid before and neither did any of my pears, I don't think I would have done anything If they did, at least nothing like what I did to Justin. Maybe it was my dads death that changed me, maybe it was moving or the fact that I had to step up as the big brother. But I'm not complaining about it, I like the new me.

Currently it's Saturday. I haven't seen Asher In school since the fight, that was on Thursday, and I've been stressing about it since. So I did the only logical thing, called Amy over.

I'm literally pacing my room. She said she was on her way 15 minutes ago but thats honestly been to long, I'm going to be dead with worry by the time she gets here. 10 minutes later I'm still alive thankfully and I hear the door bell ring, multiple times, it's definitely Amy.

Leaping down the stairs I get to the door to see its already open by my mum.

"Hello, what can I help you with?"my mother asks, to which Amy wares a smug smile she makes before doing something stupid.

"Oh, umm well you could in fact Miss Walker. I'm here to see your extremely annoying son because he would absolutely die with out me apparently. His words not mine."She raised her hands up in surrender. To say my mother was beyond curious at this point would be an understatement.

"I'm sorry, Are you his girlfriend or something? I mean that would totally be ok and all, but just to be on the safe side I'd have to ask-"

"Mum!? She's not my girlfriend, shes just A friend."I felt it would have been an appropriate time to intervene before my mum embarrassed every soul in the house.

"Oh, well ok then."she realised that I wasn't lying after staring into my face for like a minute.

"Oh my lord! I am so sorry I should let you in, how stupid of me. Come come miss?"


"well come on in Amy"she ushered Amy inside the house and them turned to close the door. I grab Amy's arm and drag her away to my room while shouting 'thank you, 'love you' and 'goodbye' to my mother as I climb the steps.

"SO. What was so important you would invite me to this extremely expensive looking house borderline mansion you call home?"She asked as soon I close the door and shes found a comfortable position on my bed.

"Also I take it your mum doesn't exactly know you gay?"she cuts in before I could answer the first question.

"Umm well no, not exactly."

"Okay. Now answer the first question."she demanded

"Well as you know, Asher hasn't been I school since the fight and I was really worried he might be really hurt, or maybe he's scared of me you know, maybe I scared him away"I spill out all under one breath.

"oookay then. I guess I was wrong."

"wrong about what?"

"That you had a crush on this boy. Your fucking in love with him!!!!"she squeezed the last part.

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