Chapter 11

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Jay's POV

Dashing out the car with my heart pounding out my chest. Thought the rain I see a small figure sprayed out on the road mear inches from my car front. And that sent a whole new wave of worry and shell-shock through me.

"OH SHIT!!! Did I just run someone over? OH MY GOD DID I KILL SOMEONE!!!?" I shout in panic, not being able to move a muscle, nothing runs through my mind, everything is just a blank space.

"N-no" An all to familiar, soft stutter just barley reaches my ears.

"Wha-ASHER!!!" The realisation breaks me from my nothingness as I feel it all come crashing back down on me. Its cant be Asher!! Please god, please tell me it's not him!! Races through my thoughts as I rush over to the small figure, my only light source in the pitch black of night is my head lights from my car. I feel the blood rush out my face as I gaze at the two different colour eyes I adore so much, but wished I wouldn't see.

"ASHER!! Oh my god what did I do!!?? Fuck!"I kneel down to him on the ground. He tries to curl into a ball with his body and his face contorts in pain as he presses his lips together to stop and sound from slipping out. As delicate as I can, tying not to put him in anymore pain then he is in already, I scoop his tiny fragile body into my arms while muttering 'it's going to be ok' and 'I've got you' in an attempt to get ease him as best as possible. I struggle to get the passenger door open while carrying him, even though he weighs nothing, but eventually I get it open and carefully place him down on the leather seat and out of the rain.

With the light inside the car I only now notice him clutching his left arm, blood covering his hand and covering his lips trailing down his chin, now smeared on my clothes.

"Shit! What the fuck happened!?"I slip into a daze for a split second before ripping my self from my shock and sky rocketing worry that pained my heart at the sight of him, I have to focus, get him help. Like on cue my phone ringer from were I had thrown it earlier. Picking it up I see Lilys face light the screen.

"WHAT THE HELL JAY!!! Do you have any idea how worried I was, is it really that hard for you to pick up the fucking phone!!! Were are you? Are you ok? Ca-"I cut her off knowing she probably has a thousand questions I don't have time for.

"Listen Lily, I'm sorry and all that shit but I need your help, Asher's hurt and he's bleeding!! And I have no idea what to do!! What do I do?!!"I plead over the phone, glancing at the boy in the passenger seat, his face is frowning in the pain, the blood round his mouth only making it look worse. I feel like a spear has been jammed straight through my heart.

"Woah slow down, did you say Asher?! "she questioned, but I couldn't stand just standing a doing nothing with the sight of him, growing impatient.

"YES!! And he's hurt and bleeding!!! Now WHAT THE FUCK DO I DO!!"I shout in frustration.

"Bring him home, mom can help him. I know thats the last thing you want to do right now bu-"

"I'm coming, tell her to be ready!"I cut her off and hang up the phone before she can reply. I sprint to the other side of the car and jump into the seat, speeding back the way I had just come. I really don't have it in me to deal with my mom, but Asher's at stake here and I would do anything for him. I have no intention to so much as speak to my mother, she has to just treat him and ill be out of her fucking hair.

"Hey Asher, it's ok. I'm taking you home to my mom, shes a nurse so shes gong to help you out. You're going to be fine ok!?"I tell him while I drive, sparing a single glance off the road and at him as I. Hear a slight chuckle. Is he laughing?

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