Chapter 15

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Jays POV:

After just over two hours I felt Asher's body slowly relax slightly, his arm slowly relax from clinging to me and his whimpering silence until all that was heard was his shallow, quiet hiccups. He looks so peaceful, I could barley see his face because he was hiding in my chest but I didn't mind, all I cared about is that he's finally asleep, finally free from his pain. Only then could my own mind relax enough for me to think.

His dad!? How could his own father do this to him? How does anyone do this to him let alone his dad? On the out side Ashe looks so innocent and fragile, he looks weak. But he's not, he's the strongest person I know. I couldn't even fathom having to go through what he must go through. How many times has his father beaten him like this? How bad has he been hurt before and have no one there for him?

What kind of bastard, what kind of man is he?

Unwilling tears burn at my eyes before I can do anything about it. It pained me, that fact that he's been so broken and hurt by the person that's supposed to love him, that I wasn't there to protect him, to keep him safe.

I want to help him, I want love him and I want him to never feel pain again. But I don't know how. Yes, maybe I can keep him from his dad, but he's still going to hurt. He still thinks he killed his mother, still thinks he's worthless and pathetic, and I have no idea how I'm going to help him see he's not. I have no idea how to make all the pain go away.

I lay us back on the bed gently so I wont wake him. He remains asleep but moves his arms from my shirt to around my body so he's literally hugging me, but I'm not complaining. I feel the vibration first, but before I can get to it my phone rings out loud with that god awful ring tone. Tugging it from my pocket I see Amy's face pop up on the screen, I pick it up and hold it to my ear. Gazing down to see that Asher was still asleep. Thank god.

"WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU!!!! HOW DARE YOU DITCH ME ON THE FIRST DAY OF THE WEEK!"She shrieks over the phone so loud I had to hold it away from my ear.

" I swear to god if you don't have a valid excuse I will skin you alive and dump our body in the lake for the fish."Fearing she might go through with her threat I decide I should probably tell her whats going on. So I do, every last detail of the last two days, which is surprisingly a lot.

"....he just calmed down and fell asleep, so yeah that brings us to right now."

"I have so many questions."she breathed out after absorbing all the information.

"Yeeeahh, that is definitely a valid excuse....Are you sure it's his dad?"

"Yes Amy, you should have seen him. He's not lying, and I have no idea what to do now so guess it was good you called. So tell me what he fuck I'm supposed to do?"

"this is why there are girls on this planet, because boys are incapable of thinking."I can imagine her pinching her nose bridge in frustration.

"ok firstly, thats not even remotely true, boys are capable, just maybe not this one right now. But thats besides the point."

"Oh right. Well he can't go back there if he lives with the devil,"

"yeah I know, he's going to stay at mine for the time being."

"Ok, does he know that he's going to be living with random strangers?"

"Well not yet, and I'm not a stranger,"

"well then, when you do break the news to him, do me a favour and be gentle. After everything he's been through it might be a bit hard to swallow at first."

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