The Shadow of You (Vol. 1)

Start from the beginning

Did the burial mounds just... save me?

But that couldn't be further from the truth, because what the Burial Mounds thought in that moment was: this will be fun.

The resentful hand pulled him down, finishing the job.

Feathery feet scurried in his head. In. That was the first thing Wei WuXian noticed upon waking up. Beetles were sifting through his yawning maw of a skull. He tried turn away, to show these scavengers that he wasn't a corpse, but he couldn't. He tried to move his fingers and toes. Again, he could not. That was the second thing he noticed—every bone in his body broken.

Am I really dead...?

Wet pops clicked in his throat as he tried to speak—to say what, he wasn't sure, maybe to assure himself he was alive. He choked as one of the roaches scurried from his mouth.

Wei WuXian managed a gurgled, "Sh... Sh'ie..." before falling into a fit of coughs. It hurt. Chunks of bone battered his lungs, grown tender from hoarding resentful air. It hurt so bad.

Eyes closed, he laughed. He laughed until he couldn't breathe, but that didn't take long so he laughed some more. There he lay, four limbs twisted like tree roots, spine splintered and a face imploded, and still he was not allowed to rest.

He was like a fucking roach himself.

Wei WuXian sighed.

The only warning of what came next was an experimental poke to his back.


Oceans of pain sunk him like a kraken latched to a ship. He was pulled under, drowned, deeper and deeper into the murky depths and all he knew was the pressure of the sea around him. Hurt, hurt, hurt! Every bone and every muscle and every nerve! Resentful energy was inside of him. Resentful energy was tearing him apart.

But Wei WuXian was resolved. He wouldn't scream. He wouldn't yield to torture.

However, that all fell apart when he felt the resentful energy roughly shove itself into his head.


His eyes rolled back. Drool dribbled down his cheeks. Babbling in agony, vulnerable and scared, he cried for the two people he loved most

Shijie! Lan Zhan!

Swarms of resent suddenly burst from every pore in his body. He blacked out.

His second awakening was accompanied by a fullness he hadn't felt the first time.

The resentful energy has fixed him. Kind of.

Pink brain matter no longer fell from his head, but his skull was still cracked and weeping in countless places. Although his spine was in one piece again, his legs were left to rot.

It wanted something from him. This was only a preview of what it could give in return.

Suddenly, a slimy whisper slipped inside his good ear. Wei WuXian, do you want revenge?

Come, A-Xian. Come take your revenge. For me, for A-Cheng, for our mother and father.

The voices began yelling, overlapping.

Wei Gongzi, take your revenge!

Wei WuXian! Wei WuXian!

Take your revenge, A-Xian! We can give you revenge. Stay with us forever.

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