chapter 7

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Beep beep beep. 

You grunt trying to find you phone to turn it off, but your hand misses every time.

Beep beep beep.

This time a lower grunt is let out and this time successfully silences the alarm. The same arms that have been wrapped around you all night, pull you even more closer, hot breath breathing down your neck. You try to roll over but fail, miserably. 

"Luke, let me go I have to go to school." You say tugging at his arms. This causes him to hold you tighter "Don't go to school, simple" he says, his morning voice makes your stomach flutter. "You're such an ass." You say you know he has a big smirk on his face, finally he loosens his grip, you then spring up and head to the bathroom. 

You head downstairs where you see Carlos, Ray and Julie.
"Someone slept in." Carlos says getting out cereal. You nod "Almost forgot to do my math homework" Ray laughs "You and Julie are so alike." You chuckle then your eyes widen "I forgot to tell you boys! I sang yesterday!" Carlos rolls his eyes while Ray gives you a hug "You and Julie! I'm so proud" Carlos put a mouthful of cereal in before trying to say "Now they'll never shut up" You laugh while placing your books in your bag. After eating and rushing to pack you and Julie head to school.

"Y/n!" A voice calls, you shut your locker to see Nick. "Nick! hey! Whats up?" "How good was Julie on Friday? Like I know she could sing but I forgot how good she was!" You smile and nod "Yep, voice like an angel." His excitement then changes to curiosity "and was the guy in the beanie, her boyfriend?" You laugh "Oooh I see, is Nick a bit jealous?" You playfully push his shoulder "Pshh me, nooo not jealous at all! Asking for a.. friend" You try not to squeal "Oh my gosh, you like Julie!! Took you long enough!" He goes red "Please don't tell her" you get the most brilliant idea "I won't, but you will" with that you run off before the late bell rings. 

Friday Night 

You watch Julie pace back and forth, praying that the boys would come in at any moment. 

"Are they here?" Flynn asked running back from the stage. Both you and Julie shook your heads "They better hurry, the crowds getting wreck less." 

"You guys excited?" A voice says, it was only Nick. You trailed off thinking of something to do if the boys didn't show. Thats when it hit you. You ran back over to the pair to see Julie trying to act like the 'holograms' weren't working. 

"Julie! I just got off the phone with the boys, they said their's a black out and they don't think they can perform with us tonight." Julie sends you a thankful look "Oh well, guess we better cancel!" Julie says about to approach Flynn "Or! Maybe Nick could step in? Nick could play the guitar and Julie can sing. It's probably best I don't sing since my throats pretty sore." "Really? That'd be awesome! You in Julie?" "Um yeah uh sure!" You shove them both close together "I'm sure you'll ooze chemistry you send a wink before they go off to warm up". 

After the Performance 

Flynn high fives you "Ok that plan was perfect, they look like soulmates." You high five Flynn back "They are, they're both just too nervous to say anything" The pair come running off stage and Nick scoops Julie into a massive hug. "You were awesome Jules!" She blushes and tries to catch her words "Thanks! You were awesome too!" He quickly plants a kiss on her cheek causing Julie to go red like a tomato "Just get together you two, you clearly both like each other" "We'll give you some privacy." Flynn says shoving you away "Great show by the way!" you shout as you exit the stage.

You and Flynn wait behind, cleaning and packing everything up when you see Nick and Julie exiting the stage hand in hand "WOOHOO FINALLY!" You and Flynn shout as the others laugh.

"So you got them together?" "Pretty much" you smile as you finish braiding a piece of Lukes hair "You know I think if it weren't for us not showing then none of this would've happened" His head turns to face you and smiles at you. "Hey don't think that your unorganised-ness made this happen. After all I made them perform together." You say tying the elastic around the small plait. Luke get up and sits next to you on your bed "Fine I guess you can take the credit for that one." "Good, because I was gonna take whether you agreed or not." You smirk and wink at Luke, grabbing the beanie you took off him before to do the plait and placing it on your head. You both laugh. "Ew why does it stink of sweat" "Y/n that beanie has been through a lot.." "EW! Luke get it off me!" "Nope! It was your idea after all" He says pulling the beanie down to cover your face and shove it to your nose "STOP IT LUKE!" you try pushing him away but it doesn't work eventually he stops and you slap him with it. "You're disgusting Luke" "You know you love it".

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