The aniversary

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You wake up and see Robby's still sleeping so you drop Anthony,Sam and Miguel off at your parents house then you go to the Store to get Robby chocolates a Grey teddy bear and blue and white shoes then you see Robby's gone you say he probably went to the store Robby got you a necklace that says beautiful,a white teddy bear and chocolates then you clean the house and Robby gets home you say hey babe he says hey babe I'm going to take Charlie on a walk you say ok then babe then he leaves (skip to 8:00) you cook some steak and rice then you set up a red cloth on the table with candles then you put the food on the table then you say Robby dinner's ready he says ok then you guys sit down and eat when you guys finish you say I got you something here he opens it and says thanks babe you say your welcome then he says I got you something too you open it and say aww thanks babe he says no problem then you say let's go get some ice cream you say ok you get brownie ice cream and Robby gets a banana split you guys eat it then you guys watch some movies and cuddle then you and Robby go in your guys room and he pushes you on the bed and kisses your neck and strokes your hair you stroke his hair to then he takes off your clothes and you take his clothes off then you guys do the nasty without protection then you say that was amazing he says yeah it was then you guys take Charlie outside to go to the bathroom then you guys shower together when you guys finish you say goodnight he says goodnight back then you put your pajamas on and do your night routine then you guys go to sleep cuddling each other.
Sorry it was short the next ones will be longer enjoy.

Robby Keene xreader I love you always Where stories live. Discover now