episode 24

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Yoongi woke up in pain, his hand felt dead and his side was sore. He was lucky enough to not get any blows to the face

how am i gonna hide this from him?

Yoongi had told jimin that he was going to go see the younger today, he really wanted too but he knew Jimin would worry even more. The thought about canceling did cross his mind, but he missed the younger too much to do that.

With much struggle yoongi got ready for the day, he decided on skipping breakfast, he was far too in pain to even touch food. Any movement would hurt, he was just glad that he could actually breathe without difficulty.

how am i gonna get to his house

Yoongi stared at the motorcycle keys infront of him. There was no way he would be able to drive with just one hand. He sighed as he grabbed his phoned, scrolling through his contacts.

hey, can i get a lift to Jimin's house?

joongs old man 🤡
sure, I'll be there in 10
may i ask why?

no questions ask just get your ass here

joongs old man 🤡
so bossy when they're inlove

Not long after Yoongi heard his doorbell ring. He shoved his hand inside his jacket as he walked up to the front door.


" no questions asked"

Namjoon rolled his eyes as he watched Yoongi lock his door before he climb into the passenger side. The car ride was silent, Yoongi was simply too tired to even speak. Namjoon didn't mind, he was too focused on the road. ( pretend Namjoon has a driver's license 😑)

They soon pulled up to Jimin's house, Yoongi was glad to see the security had double. He thanked Namjoon as he made his way towards the door.

Yoongi nervously rang the doorbell. Even tho he had seen the younger 4 days prior, he still got very nervous around him. Yoongi felt his stomach do butterflies as he heard footsteps walking towards the door.

Jimin opened the door, it looked like he had just woken up. Gosh he was so adorable. His hair was standing up in certain places. His cheeks were puffed up. He still had a blanket around his body. His eyes were still half closed as he squinted due to the bright light coming from outside.

" kitten?" yoongi asked as he broke into a big smile.

Upon hearing said petname, Jimin eye's widen. He totally had forgotten that Yoongi was coming, but he was more than happy about it.

"bub!" Jimin exclaimed as he immediately wrapped his hands around Yoongi's neck. Yoongi tried with hold the pain but Jimin was leaning against his hand.

Jimin luckily pulled away as he dragged Yoongi inside shutting the door behind him.

" so what do you want to do today?" Jimin asked as he waddled towards the living room, plopping down infront of the tv.

Yoongi shrugged as he joined the younger. Jimin cuddled up to his side as he gently layed down his head on Yoongi's shoulder.

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