episode 22

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Jimin was paralyzed. His body wouldn't move nor listen to his brain. Jimin's eyes scattered the office where he saw a hole in one of his photos. It was a photo of him, one he had taken last week.

There was now legit a bullet hole in between his eyes. And Jimin was terrified. For some reason someone wanted him dead, or simply wanted to get a message across .

"kitten are you -"

" no! stay outside!" Jimin aburtly yelled as tears formed in his eyes. Yoongi's eyes instantly scanned the room where he saw the hole in the window .

" jimin come to me" Yoongi said as he stayed in the doorway.

Jimin rapidly shook his head from side to side, more tears running down his face. He was terrified to say the least, but he didn't want to put Yoongi in danger.

" kitten, I'm coming in if you don't come out" Yoongi said as he placed the paper bags on the ground.

Jimin shooks his head, trying to get Yoongi to stay but it was no use, in a blink of an eye, yoongi's arms were wrapped securely around Jimin.

Jimin instantly fell to the ground, soaking Yoongi's suit in the process.

" are you hurt" Yoongi asked as he cupped the younger's face, looking for bruises or blood. Jimin shook his head as he finally met Yoongi's gaze, it giving him some sort of comfort.

" I'm right here okay" Yoongi softly whispered as he he buried Jimin's face in his shoulder. Loud sobs escaped Jimin's mouth as he clinged onto Yoongi, afraid that he'll dissappear if he let go.

yoongi took the opportunity to look around the room, that's when he saw the photo.

They were giving me a warming

Yoongi internally scolded himself for being so wreckless, he knew sooner or later they'll find him and Jimin was now collateral damage. Something they'll use to harm Yoongi.

Yoongi felt like crying, the one person he loved the most he just put in danger, it was no longer safe to be with Jimin. He knew that if he continued to work for the younger, he put a target on his back.

Jimin had calmed down by now, he looked up and saw Yoongi's eyes filled with tears, something Jimin had never seen before

" why are you crying" Jimin softly asked as he wiped away a tear that escape the older's eye. Yoongi looked back at Jimin before he hugged the younger again.

" I'm so so sorry" Yoongi said as he started sobbing. The thought of losing Jimin truly broke his heart.

" what, why are you crying" Jimin asked as he cupped Yoongi face in his hands, softly kissing away the tears.

" that was a warming jimin, they're here for me and if i continue to work for you, they might hurt you" Yoongi said as he wiped away Jimin's dried tears.

" who's they" jimin questioned

Yoongi stayed quiet, not wanting to drag the younger further in. Yoongi's words finally sunk in as tears filled Jimin's eyes again.

"y-your gonna leave me?" Jimin questioned as he looked directly into Yoongi's eyes. Yoongi felt his heart break, they way Jimin looked at him made him feel more quilt.

Yoongi rapidly shook his head as wiped away Jimin's tears.

" I'm not leaving you kitten, i just have to stop working for now" Yoongi explained as he placed a soft kiss to the younger's forehead.

"your really won't leave me?" Jimin whispered, his voice barely audible but enough for Yoongi to hear.

"no, i would never leave my baby" Yoongi softly said as he gave Jimin a small smile

He called me his baby

Jimin smiled back as he leaned his head on Yoongi's shoulder. They both were still on the ground, Jimin's lunch was still in the doorway and there was still a bullet hole in his window.

Jimin still had a million questions in his mind, but being In Yoongi's embrace made it better. He knew that yoongi still had a lot of explaining to do but at the moment he was relieved.

He was in the arms of the person he loved the most and if that was how he'd spent the last minutes of earth, he would gladly obey . He would give up his own life for yoongi and he knew Yoongi would do the same.

So that's what they did, they stayed on the floor embracing each other. Yoongi held onto Jimin with every last bit of him, ensuring the younger he was safe. He wanted to feel Jimin close, for he had no idea when he'd be able to feel him this close again.

Yoongi was terrified of what was to come, he knew people were gonna try and hurt his Jimin. But he refused to let it happen, even if it meant giving up his own life.

The sat like that for atleast another 10 minutes, neither of them wanting to let go. Namjoon was growing worried, as he heard sobbing come from Jimin's office.

"Boss, Yoongs?" Namjoon questioned as he entered the room, jimin and Yoongi were sitting behind his desk, so he couldn't see him.

" is - is that a bullet hole?" Namjoon questioned as he stepped forward, only to break an expensive vase.

"hyung ~" Jimin whined as he pocked his head out behind the desk. This only startled namjoon more as he fell back, stepping on the food that was in the doorway.

"i -"

"namjoon" yoongi whined as he poked his head out behind the desk.

" that was for my baby" Yoongi whined as he threw his head back in frustration.

"I'm your baby?" Jimin questioned as a shade of pink covers his cheeks.

Yoongi widely grin.

" aren't you?" Yoongi teasingly asked as he pecked the younger's lips.

Jimin blushed futher, he was only used to Yoongi calling him kitten, the sudden pet name made him feel butterflies.

" but you'll always be my kitten" Yoongi added as Jimin was now crimson red, his smile only growing wider.

"hajima ~" jimin whined as he playfully slapped Yoongi's shoulder, totally forgetting that Namjoon was in the room nor that he was crying not so long ago.

Yoongi chuckled as he leaned in, placing a soft and loving kiss to the younger's lips



lately I've been so sad :( I'm sorry if the chapters aren't as good as the others, I'm trying for you guys but I've really lost motivation..

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