episode 14

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it was Thursday and Jimin was pacing back and forth in his office. Nothing big happend he just found out his very homophobic grandparents were coming to the party. Yoongi watched as the younger walked back and forth and he was getting sick from following the younger so much

"jimin" Yoongi called out, tired of watching the latter stress. No response.

"Jimin"   no response

Yoomgi sighed before an idea popped in his head.


and like magic Jimin's head wipped in Yoongi's direction, his eyes as innocent as an cat's

"yes?" Jimin asked.

Yoongi smiled to himself as he pushed his weight back onto his feet. He walked towards Jimin before pulling the younger in a comforting hug. Jimin immediately relaxed as he inhaled Yoongi's scent.

"what's wrong?"  Yoongi asked as he tried to make Jimin look at him but the younger wasn't having it.

"hmm no taking" Jimin mumbled into Yoongi's chest as he turned his head to the right to look up at the older male. Yoongi was already looking down.

Jimin started playing with Yoongi's tie, they just stood like that for a good 2 minutes before jimin mumbled a little  "thank you" into the older's ear.

" anything for my kitten" Yoongi replied as he smirked at Jimin. Jimin rolled his eyes but was inwardly melting, not at the fact that Yoongi named him kitten but at the fact that Yoongi said that Jimin was his.

Jimin broke the hug as he fixed Yoongi's tie. Just as Jimin was done a knock on the door was heard. Jimin whipped his head in the door direction and Yoongi took that opportunity to steal a kiss.

He quickly pecked Jimin on the lips, catching the younger off guard before he went to open the door, not giving Jimin enough time to scold him or anything.

"oh you must be my son's lovely bodyguard" Jimin's mom said as he looked at Yoongi. Yoongi smiled before he nodded his head, stepping out of the way.

Jimin's mom smiled back before she entered her son's office.

" you okay?" she asked as he hugged her oldest son. Jimin immediately wrapped his hands around her waist, feeling comfortable with his mother's presence.

" how can i be? the chairman's son who's also the next ceo is gay"  Jimin answered sarcasm dripping in his tone.

Jimin's mother rolled her eyes before peeling her son of her body. She softly cupped Jimin's cheeks.

" there's nothing wrong with loving who you love okay?" She reassured her son as he placed a soft kiss on his nose. Jimin slowly nodded.

" besides I've never liked them much, they were always bitching on about having grandchildren but were never in your life "  she stated as she sat down in her chair, thanking Yoongi for pulling it out for her.

"so~?" Jimin's mother asked as she made wiggling eyebrows to her son. Jimin's mother was Jimin's bestfriend, she knew everything about her son, with or without him telling her.

"so?" Jimin asked as he looked at his mother confused.

" the snack in the corner"

Jimin looked at Yoongi before looking back at his mom.

" what about him?"

Jimin's mother sighed.

" darling come her please" she asked as he gestured for Yoongi to come over. He obeyed and stood next to her.

"  you must know that Jimin is gay right?" she bluntly asked. Yoongi chuckled before nodding his head.

" and are you part of the community?" . Yoongi yet again chuckle before nodding his head.

" so when are you two going go date?" she asked as he looked back at Jimin who's eyes were as big as plates.

" mom! you can't just assume that he likes me just because he's gay! " Jimin whined.

" oh please i saw the way you look at each other" Jimin's mom said as she rolled her eyes.

" you should come over dear, i have a whole collection of baby photos for you to see" Jimin's mom happily exclaimed as she clapped her hands together. Yoongi laughed sincerely before nodding his head.

" you're not suppose to agree" Jimin said as he pouted looking at yoongi .  Yoongi only smiled at his cuteness.

"then I'll be off" Jimin's mom exclaimed as she walked towards the door, before she left she turned around to say something to Jimin.

" use protection, and don't go overboard i need you to walk tomorrow! okay bye love you!" she said as she winked before closing the door.

" mom!" Jimin whined.

Yoongi smirked as he walked over to jimin, making the boy stand.

" what?" jimin asked with a pout on his face.

Yoongi sat on Jimin's chair before pulling the boy down onto his laps. Jimin's cheeks burned up at the sudden action.

"  you heard her, i don't want to dissapointed your mother" Yoongi simply stated as he kissed Jimin.

"mhh Yoon..." Jimin gave up and just kissed the older back.

Yoongi broke the kiss before he whispered in Jimin's ear.

" i don't think i want you to walk tommorow kitten"

Jimin's cheeks turned red as he buried his face in Yoongi's neck. He and yoongi had only had hot make out sessions, he was a little to over excited for the possibility of having office sex.


My Bodyguard (Yoonmin) ✔️Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt