Chapter 29: The Heracronite Search

Start from the beginning

"Leavanny will basically guide us through the forest." Ash answered his girlfriend with a smile.

"That's right," Clemont said. "I heard that Leavanny can guide trainers through forests inside and out with great accuracy, even if they have never been to the forest before."

"I heard that too." Ash said. "I caught Leavanny when he was just a Sewaddle back in Pinwheel Forest of the Unova Region, so Leavanny here should be able to guide us throughout the forest no sweat."

"Well what are we waiting for? Let's go mega stone hunting!" Bonnie exclaimed as she began skipping forward.

The rest of the group laughed and followed Bonnie into the depths of the forest.

Leavanny was carefully guiding the group into the deeper parts of Santalune Forest, while also observing paths to remember a way back out of the Forest.

A half an hour later, the group arrived at a small sector of the Forest, which was most likely the heart of Santalune Forest. It was a wide clearing in the center of the forest. Different types of Pokémon such as Floette and Spritzee could be seen floating around.

"This is where the Heracronite are said to be located, but I wonder how we can find them." Ash murmured as he looked around the open area of the forest.

"Hmhmhmhmhm..." Clemont chuckled, while pushing his glasses into place. A bright light reflected off his glasses. "The future is now, thanks to science! Clemontic gear, on!"

"Here we go again..." Bonnie muttered with a sweatdrop.

Clemont pulled out a large gray device that had multiple antennas attached to it. There was even a piece of key stone on the invention.

"What is it?" Ash and Serena asked at the same time with curiosity.

"I call it, my mega stone location finder mk2." Clemont answered with a grin.

"Science is so amazing!" Ash expressed with excitement.

"Pika!" Pikachu squeaked in agreement.

"So by turning on this device, the device should be able to locate any mega stones by tapping into the power of the keystone." Clemont explained proudly.

"Yay the invention didn't explode this time!" Serena said with relief.

"Well what do you expect? My brother improved... somewhat." Bonnie said with a grin.

"Now, the sensors are telling me that there is mega evolution energy... that way!" Clemont declared as he pointed East from where the group was standing.

"Great job Clemont! Let's get going!" Ash said as he grabbed Serena's hand and started running the direction where Clemont's device was attracted to. Serens squealed in response as she was surprised.

"Pi-Pikachu!" the two Pikachu squeaked happily, while on the shoulders of their respective trainers.

"Wait for us!" Bonnie yelled as she ran to catch up.

"Clemont, step on it!" Ash yelled from a distance.

"Agh! Running again?!" Clemont groaned as he hesitantly started running after the group.

After a few minutes of walking and running, the group checked Clemont's mega stone location finder mk2 device to see if it picked up on the specific location of the mega evolution energy it sensed.

"I'm sorry everyone, but I forgot to remodify my invention." Clemont said to everyone with a sad look.

"What do you mean, Clemont?" Ash, Serena, and Bonnie asked with confusion.

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