Chapter Sixty-Three

Start from the beginning

"Don't you be ridiculous," she chides. I'm happy to see her bruises are fading, but I can't help but notice her subdued energy. We haven't talked about her diagnosis at all. Instead, Gran appears to be opting for the "giant elephant in the room" path.

"My darling," she sighs, "would you be willing to run an errand for your Grandfather?"

"No, no," he insists, waving me off. "Just go about your work."

"Well, I'm mostly done really," I offer up. "I'm happy to be of any help to you Grandfather."

"It's factory related. And, if you are almost finished, I'm sure a young gal has much better things to do than get involved in business affairs."

My heart lurches at the thought of potentially seeing Harry. I had told him in my letters that it was best we don't act on our original plan to ask Gran and Grandfather to permit us to date. At least, not until after Gran's surgery and things become less dire at the house.

"Really, Grandfather," I say, trying to hide my ulterior motive. "I love visiting the factory. Do you need me to send something over?"

"See, look at that," Gran says with a proud smile. "Ask and you shall receive."

Grandfather looks apprehensively at me, but begrudgingly takes me into his office to hand me a collection of files and envelopes.

"These are to go straight to your Uncle's desk. No one," he pauses, his finger wagging, "and I mean no one is to receive these other than him."

"Certainly, Grandfather," I nod, anxiety twisting in my stomach. What documents would a radio factory need to keep so desperately secret?

"If I get wind that you've looked inside or they've gone missing or-"

"Dead meat. Got it."

Grandfather gives me a tiny crooked smile.

"Go on then," he says, collapsing back into his office chair. He lets out a heavy breath as his body relaxes, and I notice just how tired the lines on his aged face make him look today. When his eyes open, I dash out of the room, smart enough to know when to get a move on and not linger in Grandfather's presence.

I head out to the back garden where I've been keeping my bicycle and hop on. It's cold outside, but I know once I get my legs pumping that I'll be more than warm enough. The thin tire screeches against the icy pebbles as I take off. The ride doesn't take too long and soon I find my heart pounding as my eyes scan for any sight of Harry.

Reaching the front gates, I hop off and guiding it with the handle bars, walk my bike. The men working the entrance seem to know me even though I haven't visited all that many times.

"Hazel!" Uncle Ben's voice rings out as I enter the brick courtyard. "Come in, come in!"

"One moment!"

Again, my eyes scan the throngs or people frantically. There's no sight of Harry anywhere. I rest my bike against the building and hurry inside with Grandfather's papers. My heart sinks when I see Harry's empty desk.

"Something wrong?" Uncle Ben asks.

"No, not at all," I lie. He eyes me carefully and I feel caught. "Just adjusting to the warmth."

"I appreciate you getting these over to us. It'll make the rest of my day much easier."

"I'm happy to help." I smile awkwardly, rocking ever so slightly from my heels to my toes. Uncle Ben's eyes narrow slightly, albeit with a tiny smile.

"Would you care to sit down and warm up a bit before heading back? Or would you prefer I call Louis to try and drive you?"

I answer by plopping down in the nearest chair.

"Warming up sounds lovely," I smile. I keep the corner of my eye fixed on the door, praying that Harry walks through it. Uncle Ben examines me for a moment longer than I'd like, but eventually gives me a small smile.

"Warming up it is then."

I sit there awkwardly for what feels like entirely too long. I offer to even do some work for Uncle Ben, but it seems to only make him more suspicious of me. After nearly thirty minutes of waiting and no Harry, I decide to give up and head home. Uncle Ben gives me a final thank you and promises to be home no later than six.

Out in the courtyard, I take hold of the handle bars and walk my bike out slowly. I smile politely as I walk past different workers, but every face that isn't Harry's just sinks my heart further and further. 

I round the corner of the far left wing and begin the walk home when all of a sudden a strong hand grabs me by my arm, pulling me quickly inside the building. The door shuts quickly behind me and I find myself in an empty storeroom.

"What in the world-" I'm cut off by a firm hand over my mouth. I flinch, ready to sock the person in the face when familiar green eyes come pouring into mine.

"Shh, it's me, love" Harry whispers, dropping his hand from my mouth. "It's me."

I stare up at him, my heart and mind colliding like a kaleidoscope, overwhelmed to have him finally in front of me.

"I'm so sorry, love, I didn't mean to-"

I don't wait to hear what he has to say. I throw my arms around his neck and pull him to me in desperation.

"God, I've missed you," I breathe into his mouth as I kiss him wildly. Harry doesn't lose a second- he tugs me impossibly close to him making us stumble backwards against the brick wall. It knocks the wind out of my lungs slightly, but we don't stop. My body feels that same spark as this morning only this time it is as if the room is on fire- my brain screams at me to tear off my coat, each layer of clothing that separates me from this beautiful boy suddenly feels like a sin.

"Oh, Roses," Harry ragged breath caresses my lips as he pants, leaving me yearning to taste his mouth again. "I love you so damn much. I love you, I love you, I love you..." his voice trails off as he instinctively fulfills my greatest wish. His worn hands cup my face, holding my lips firm against his and I'm ready to do anything he says. I don't care about anything else in this moment- I just want him, need him, to touch me, to kiss me, to still the fire that burns on every inch of my skin.

A sudden bang ricochets throughout the courtyard. Both Harry and I rip apart. While Harry stumbles backwards, I practically leap out of my own skin and bang my head against the brick wall.

"Christ, Hazel! Are you okay?"

I can barely nod as I burst out laughing our ridiculous leap.

"Good grief," he breathes out. He leans back against an empty table and closing his eyes, rests his hands behind his head. His broad chest rises and falls as he catches his breath, leaving my mouth dry.

"I can't tell if you or this damn place is gonna make my heart give out first," he says.

"Says the man who thought dragging a girl into a room was a brilliant idea," I tease. He flashes his perfect, devilish grin.

"I saw you leaving the office and I came running," he says with a shrug. His eyes lock on mine and I lean back against the wall to make sure I don't completely fall over. "Is that okay?"

I bite my lip and nod. Harry covers his mouth and rubs his jaw as he tries to hide his handsome smile. He looks away somewhat bashfully, but when our eyes meet again, I swear my heart skips a beat.

"Come to me," he says, quietly, eyes still fixed on mine. I push off of the wall and walk the immeasurable distance to him. He reaches out and takes me into his arms. His broad hands sweep across my back and settle low on my hips as he dips his head to brush his nose against mine.

"I've missed you so much," I whisper.

"I'm here now, love. I'm here."

And in that instant, I know exactly where here is- here is home.

No Matter What // Harry Styles AU -- Dunkirk inspiredWhere stories live. Discover now