Part 74

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Naksh run toward her and take her in his arms..

Naksh- Jaan..what happened? Jaan..

Her forehead hit on table..and blood ooze out from her wound..

He patted on her face..

Naksh- your eyes look at me.. please..

He caress her face and put handkerchief on her forehead to stop bleeding.

Naksh- I'm sorry Jaan..I shouldn't shout on you..I'm sorry..Keerti please get up don't do this to me please..

He rubbed her palm..

Naira move close to Keerti and about to hold her..

Naksh hold her arm..

Naksh-(shout) stay away..

Everyone look at him shocked..

Naksh- just stay away from my wife..

Naksh- it happened because of you..if something happened to her..I swear to her I'll not spare you..

He again look at Keerti..

Naksh- Jaan get up..

He took his phone and search for doctor nearby..


His phone got switched off..

Naksh- Jaan nothing will happen to you..

Dadi come with water glass in her hand..

Dadi sprinkle water drops on her face..but she didn't respond.she is about to hold her hand to check her pulse rate..

Naksh- what are you doing?

Dadi- let me check her..

Naksh- no need of it..I can..

Dadi- shut up Naksh..

He look at her shocked..

Dadi- will you please calm down for sometime..we can talk on this later.. can't you see she is not well and as a Doctor I know she need immediate now will you please let me check kar..

She checked her pulse..

Dadi- take her inside room..

He got up and pick her up in his arms..

Naksh look at her and walked toward his room..he made her lye down on bed..he sit beside her and hold her hand in his..

Naksh- Jaan please get up..please..

Dadi enter inside..

Dadi-Naksh you wait outs

Naksh- I'll not go anywhere..

Dadi- Naksh don't argue please go and let me treat her..

Doctor enter there in mean time..

Naksh- Doctor my wife..

Doc- she will be fine Mr you wait outside..

He look at her..he kissed on her hand..he got up and move out of room..

Dadi close the door..

She tied bandage on her forehead..

Tears flowing from his eyes..

Dadi come near him and put his hand on his shoulder.
Naksh look at him.

He wiped his tears and move toward door..
but he didn't said anything..he is standing numb looking at door..

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