Chapter 24

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We woke up a couple of hours later completely tangled in each other and well rested. It was pouring outside and I didn't really want to move so we didn't. We laid in bed and talked. It was comfortable and it felt like the most natural thing in the world. His fingers wandered lazily over my skin as he talked and listened. At times I just got lost in his voice and the touch of his fingers. 


He chuckled. “Where did you go princess? Did you hear anything I said?” 

I blushed. “I'm sorry. Between your voice and your touch, I was momentarily hypnotized.” 

He pulled me closer and kissed my forehead. He brushed his lips against my ear. “How about we get dressed and move this downstairs. I'm kinda hungry and we can build a fire. How does that sound?” 

I found his lips and kissed him softly. “Mmmkay. Sounds like a plan.” I rolled out of bed and headed to the bathroom. I took care of business and pulled my hair up into a messy bun. I went back into the bedroom and pulled out a bra and panty set, leggings, a comfy sweater and some thick socks. I laughed at myself, almost forgetting Avi was there. He looked at me quizzically. 

“What's so funny?” 

I smiled at him as I started getting dressed. “I have never been this comfortable walking around naked in front of anyone before. It's nice.” At that moment he stood out of bed and stretched and I was momentarily speechless. He walked over to me and placed one finger under my chin and kissed me softly. 

“We wouldn't want this to unhinge now would we?” He winked at me and headed to the bathroom.

I finished getting dressed and headed downstairs. I started putting together a meat and cheese and fruit tray to serve as a late lunch. He came down and built a fire. I brought the tray into the room and placed it on the table with two bottles of water. We settled onto the couch and snuggled while we snacked and talked. We resumed our conversation from the previous day. We bypassed the moving issue and discussed plans for our next trips. Between my laptop and his phone, we made all of the necessary reservations. His flights and rental cars were booked for November and December. My flights were booked for December. That much was really happening.

After the arrangements were made we settled into a companionable silence. He held me and I listened to his heartbeat as we watched the fire. He sighed. It was still raining. 

“What?” I asked in response to his sigh. 

“Nothing, really. I was just thinking how long it's been since I had everything I ever wanted when I wanted it.” 

I looked up and met his eyes. His hands found their way to either side of my face and his lips found their way to mine. He slowly pushed me into the opposite corner of the couch. His hands slowly explored my body as his mouth took it's time introducing itself to mine. After a while he pulled away and held me to him. 

“You have no idea how many nights I wished I could do just that.” 

I giggled. “I have had dreams about this, and they don't even live up to the real thing.” 

He blushed and went right back to kissing me. My fingertips traced the lines of his face and his beard. I traced them over his chest and up his neck. He shivered a little and bit my lip. His hands wandered my back and cupped my ass. It was apparent that he wasn't looking to take this any further and it was really nice. I moaned lightly and tugged on his hair. He pulled back and met my eyes. “Let's go out tonight. Ice skating and the diner.” It wasn't a question, but more of a statement. “Okay.” I smiled at him.

We fooled around on the couch for a little longer and I went to go change clothes. I brushed my hair and put it in a nice ponytail. I put on a pair of nice jeans with my comfy sweater. He brushed his hair and added a beanie. We headed out on our way. Being with him was becoming the easiest thing I have ever done. It was comfortable. We ice skated for a little bit and then headed back to the diner for dinner. He placed a handful of nickels on the table and I began selecting songs. We ordered burgers, fries, and milkshakes. We ate and chatted and laughed. It was perfect. We headed home to get comfortable. We sat out on the porch swing and talked until it got too cold. We headed inside and off to bed where we just slept.

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