Chapter 16

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We woke up sometime later, completely tangled up in one another. I opened my eyes to find his looking at me. 

“Hi," he whispered far too energetically. He kissed my nose. 

“Hi,"  I whispered back. Just then both of our stomachs growled causing us to explode into fits of laughter. According to the clock it was 2 am. 

“I’ll go get us a snack," he said climbing out of bed and pulling on his underwear. 

I got up, found my panties and pulled them on as well as my pajamas. I turned down the bed and used the bathroom.  I was just climbing back in bed when he came back upstairs. He had two bottles of gatorade and two peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. He climbed back in bed and I eagerly accepted one of the bottles and one of the sandwiches. I polished off the sandwich quickly as well as half of the gatorade.  Avi looked at me and chuckled. 

I shrugged my shoulders and smiled, “This is the most exercise I have had in awhile.” This actually made him laugh harder.

He ate his sandwich and drank half of his gatorade and crawled under the covers. He reached for me and I snuggled into his side. It was foreign for me to be snuggled into a warm body at bedtime again, but at the same time, it felt so right. I couldn’t help but play with the dense thicket of hair on his chest while his breathing evened out. He was drawing shapes on my shoulder and back with his fingertips. I pressed my face into his neck and inhaled deeply the scent that was purely him. I had to make sure this was real and not some figment of my imagination. I placed a couple of light kisses there and he moaned. 

“What do you think you are doing?”, he asked. 

“Making sure you are real," I answered against his skin. 

“Oh sweetie, I am definitely real," he said, shifting to meet my eyes. 

He captured my hand that was on his chest and pressed it to his heart as he claimed my lips with his. He rolled me onto my back and deepened the kiss. He parted my legs with his thigh, eliciting moans from me. His hands made their way to the hem of my tank top and slid under it. His hands were warm on my skin as they slid under my back. He nibbled his way from my lips to my ear. 

“Let’s just be touchy feely til we fall asleep," he suggested. 

I was game. I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled gently on his hair as I found his mouth. It was fun acting like a teenager again. After a little while we were both sound asleep, blissfully tangled together.

We woke up in the morning to a notification on my phone. It was a text from Michelle. 

Hey girl. I was just checking in to see how things are going. Let’s chat soon. Tell A that I say hi. 

I smiled and sent off a quick reply. 

Things are going well and I am very happy. Yes we need to talk soon. I will tell him. I love you. 

My phone dinged again. 

I love you too. Call if you need to. 

I sent back the hug emoji. Avi opened his eyes and asked who I was chatting with. I told him that it was Michelle and that she said hi. He smiled and told me that he was glad I had her. I told him that I was glad I had her too. Stretching, he reached for his own phone. He checked a couple of notifications, and much to my surprise, he took a picture of me. 

“Hey. Give a girl some warning," I protested. 

“I couldn’t resist. You look cute and sexy all at the same time.” He turned the phone towards me so that I could see. He wasn’t wrong. 

“You always find the most amazing shots.”

“It’s a gift," he said shrugging his shoulders. 

He pulled himself up onto his elbow, “How does this sound? I will go get breakfast made. You take a shower. We eat. I’ll take a shower and get dressed. Then we can explore the woods and the mountain, chat, and take some pictures.” 

I propped myself up on my elbow to face him, “Sounds like a plan.”

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