Chapter 7

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Having made at least one decision, I decided to head back towards the cabin. I hoped that I would hear from Avi soon so that we could get this conversation underway. As if on cue, my phone rang. I pulled it out of my pocket and glanced at the screen. “Hello, bassman.”, I answered. 

“Well hello my dear.”, he responded back. “I am all done with my obligations and I would like to see you.” 

“What a coincidence, I would like to see you too.”

“How is this for a plan? I will gather some things together, come over to your place, make you an amazing dinner, and we’ll take it from there?”

“That sounds great. I will see you soon."

“Very soon.”, he said, disconnecting the call. I continued the journey back to the cabin. 

When I got back to the cabin I changed into some comfy clothes and settled on the couch with a crochet project. That decision was two-fold. It would help pass the time until Avi got here and it was helping me keep my nerves at bay. Crocheting has always been a calming exercise for me and boy did I need it. I sent Avi a quick text telling him to just come in when he got here. 

He arrived about an hour, or half a scarf later. He had a duffel bag, his guitar, and a couple of grocery bags. He took the grocery bags,to the kitchen, put them away, and settled his duffel bag and guitar case behind the couch. I was just going to pack up my project when he joined me on the couch. “Please continue. I have always wanted to watch you do this.” 

“Really?” I was very surprised.

“Really. Having you tell me about it and then seeing the pictures. I always wanted to see the actions that created such beautiful things.” 

I was so touched by his words and I had never had a captive audience before. I slowly showed him how a few stitches were worked and then I picked up to my normal pace. He put his full attention into what I was doing. 

“That is amazing.”, he whispered, completely transfixed. 

“Thank you.” I blushed under his gaze. Where does the time go when we are together? He looked at the clock and decided that it was time to start dinner. I asked if I could help and he politely refused. 

“You can sit in the kitchen and talk to me if you would like.”

“I would like that.”, I said putting away my project. He stood up and offered his hand. I took it and I let him pull me off of the couch and lead me into the kitchen.

It was so fun watching him maneuver around the kitchen preparing various bowls of spices. He was humming to himself so I decided to introduce him to one of the cooler amenities of the cabin. I led him over to a screen on the wall and I swiped it. I advised him that it was a total house intercom with a built in sound system. I showed him that there were various music apps. He chose spotify and put in his information. He pulled up a playlist called fun. It turned out to be a list of 80’s and 90’s music. I laughed out loud. 

“What?”, he turned to look at me, laughing. 

“Not what I pictured you listening to.” I giggled. He turned his attention back to dinner. We made easy conversation amongst intermittent singing and laughing.

Before long he was sliding the casserole dish into the oven. He had put together a chicken and noodle concoction that smelled divine. He put the prep dishes in the dishwasher and crossed over to the screen. He changed the playlist and walked over to me. I heard the strains of Can’t Help Falling in Love coming from the speakers. He held his hand out to me in invitation. I took it. He placed my right hand on his left shoulder, and took my left hand with his right. He put his left hand on the small of my back and pulled me close. He rested his cheek against mine and sang softly in my ear while swaying us around the kitchen floor. I found myself very quickly falling head over heels in love with him. One song slipped into the next and I lost time as we danced. We were pulled out of our trance by the timer going off for dinner. He reluctantly let go of me and pulled dinner out of the oven. He took it to the table. He quickly set the table and poured the wine he had brought. He pulled a salad out of the fridge and a bottle of dressing. It was simple, but at the same time it was so much. The tears started slipping down my cheeks without warning. 

“Oh baby, please don’t cry," he pulled  me into his arms. 

“I’m sorry. It’s just been so long. It’s silly," I said into his shoulder. 

“It’s not silly. I get it.” He held me for a few minutes longer, rubbing his hand up and down my back soothingly. He gently guided me to my chair and pulled it out for me, “Let’s eat.”

Dinner was so good. We ate and he told me about his day. He confessed that his mama gave him a brief lecture about responsibilities. He told me that he and his dad chopped some wood and fixed something on the porch. I told him that I called and talked to Michelle. I promised him that I didn’t give her a hard time. I told him that I called mom and checked in. We cleaned up dinner and the kitchen. He went to change into something more comfortable, while I got a fire started in the fireplace. 

“Look at you starting that fire.”, he said stepping into the living room. 

“Thanks. I googled it.’” I laughed at myself. He chuckled. I got myself settled on the couch and he joined me. I sat with my back against the arm and he turned to face me. I took his hand, “I think we need to talk.”, I said looking into his eyes.

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