Chapter 3

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It was noon. I woke up to the sound of my phone ringing. I glanced at the screen and accepted the call. “Hello.” I answered with a smile on my face. 

“Good morning beautiful,” came Avi’s rich voice. 

“It’s technically afternoon, but who’s keeping track”, I giggled. 

He chuckled on his end. “What are your plans this afternoon?”, he asked. 

“I literally had no plans for this whole trip, so I am wide open.” I answered. 

“I would like to take you out to lunch and show you the area a little bit, if you don’t mind.” 

“That sounds amazing, plus I am starving”, I answered with a smile. 

“Can you be ready in half an hour?”, he asked. 

“I sure can”, I answered hopping out of bed. 

“See you soon, love”, he said ending the call. 

I quickly took a shower and got dressed. I put on a pair of nice jeans, a long sleeved, form fitting, blue v-neck, and my sneakers.  I left my damp hair down knowing it was going to curl as it dried. I got downstairs just as he was ringing the doorbell. 

I opened the door and let him in. He was wearing black relaxed fit jeans, a gray and black plaid button down, under a gray v-neck sweater, with black converse sneakers and a black leather jacket. He had his hair down covered by a gray beanie. He put his arm around my waist and pulled me in for a not so quick kiss. 

“You look amazing, by the way”, he said letting me go. 

“You look pretty good yourself.”, I smiled at him. I gathered my things and he took my hand and led me to his SUV. “Where are we headed?”, I asked as I watched the scenery pass by. It was a different direction than I had come in yesterday. 

“There’s a little downtown area that has a few shops, a diner, an ice skating rink, and a few other things. It’s really cute and everyone seems to know everyone else. I gotta ask you though, how did you settle on this area to come to?” 

“The cabin is owned by my cousin’s ex boyfriend. They are still really good friends and he recommended this as a good place to go since I was insisting on going by myself.” I laughed. “He told me that the neighbors were nice. He couldn’t guarantee that they would be there at the time, but they do spend quite a bit of time up here. He also said that they have a son my age.” I laughed again. 

“We’ll have to ask mom and dad about him.”, he chuckled. Just then I got a notification on my phone. It had just registered service for the first time in a while. “Something important?”, he asked. 

“It’s a Twitter notification from one of  my best friends, Ava. I forgot to let her know that I had arrived safely.” I shot her a quick message. “Shortly before my husband’s accident, I met her on Twitter and she and I got really close pretty quickly. She was there through everything and she talked me through a lot of tough stuff. She was one of the few people that I talk to that had never met my husband, so I could vent to her. I have not yet met her in person, but she has truly been a gift.” 

“It’s important to have friends like that. I am glad you found her”, he said pulling into a parking spot just outside of the diner. I took a look around the little town. It was so charming. Everything was lined up and down the main street with colorful awnings and old fashioned signs. 

He directed my attention to the diner and held the door open for me. It was like something straight out of the 1950’s. Teal, white. and chrome booths lined one side of the place while the rest of the floor area was sprinkled with tables and chairs in similar colors. There was a small juke box on each table that took nickels. The hostess sat us at a booth and gave us menus. “What do you recommend?”, I looked at Avi over my menu. 

“Honestly, everything. It’s all good”, he advised. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a handful of nickels and put them in the middle of the table. “Go crazy”, he chuckled. He picked up one himself and placed it in the slot and pressed some numbers. Within minutes Earth Angel started playing. “I play it every time I’m here.”, he admitted. I made a few selections myself as I listened to the bass line he was creating across from me. The waitress came over and we placed our orders. After she left he reached for my hand across the table and played with my fingers. I met his eyes, 

“You and your parents should come to my place for dinner tonight. I would love to cook for you”, I suggested. 

“Mom and dad have plans with friends tonight, but I am free if the offer is still there.” 

“It definitely is”, I smiled at him. Our food arrived a few minutes later. We ate and chatted easily, and the food was very good. He paid the tab and we left.

The weather was nice enough for us to wander the two blocks of shops. He advised me on how to get here on my own. We walked back to the vehicle and he drove a few more blocks to the ice skating rink. He asked me if I had ever been. I told him that I had not and he told me not to worry. It turns out that he is an amazing teacher. We had a good time and I only fell once. We got in the SUV and headed back towards my place. He asked if I needed anything from the store. I told him that we were good and we headed back to my house.

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