11|Job Description

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Niall went to land a shot between my legs I jumped back and closed the door on him "D*ck" I growled pulling my sunglasses down off my head putting them on

He scanned himself in trailing behind us Alexis sat herself on an empty chair she got Emilia to stand between her legs so she could braid her hair

"Damn" I jumped Niall caught up with me I sat down on the other chair Alexis finished the braid

"Let's go play!" Emilia tugged Alexis

"Do you have your sunscreen on?" Alexis asked

"Yes! Daddy put it on me" she tugged Alexis again "peas peas peas!"

"Okay okay" Alexis laughed "wanna build sand castles?"

"YES!" She screamed and took off leaving Alexis laughing jogging after her

Niall sat in her place passing me her bag "how can you focus with that around you all day?" He bit his lip

"Im not an animal" I grumbled, of all words he called her a 'that'

Niall laughed "yeah fuck off mate there's no holier than thou shit here, I'm serious I mean... you've got to see what I'm seeing"

I nodded "I see it trust me I can't look away" thank god my sunglasses shielded my unwavering gaze

She was just sitting on her knees building a sand castle with M but she was breath-taking while she did it she had the cutest lopsided dimples as she smiled

Even though she smiled a lot it was easy to tell when she really meant it, that's when her dimples caved into her plump cheeks

"Have you..." I turned to him he raised his eyebrows I caught on fairly quickly

"Niall no" I growled shaking my head

"Niall no? Niall no what?!" He gestured to her "come on"

"Don't point!" I hissed

He groaned "I didn't point I waved a hand she's playing with Emmie  anyway she didn't notice"

"M turns 4 in 2 weeks right? What are you doing for her birthday?"

"A party at mine her mother is coming It's princess themed now stop changing subject" he said seriously  "Why not?"

"I'm her boss" I said with a duh tone

"Okay...?" He was obviously waiting for me to say something else

"I'm her boss I'm not sleeping with her" I repeated deathly serious

"Fine then I'll get with her"

I shot up sitting straight "I'll kick your fucking ass Niall!"

He laughed and held up his hands "oh testy so you do like her mm?"

"That's my secretary! You are not sleeping with her"

He rolled his eyes "she's your secretary? That's your only reason? Fine then I'll hire her as my secretary and sleep with her"

"Shut the fuck up you bloody Irish fuck" I sat back shifting in my seat

He laughed "that sounds like she's more than your secretary to me..." he teased like a child in the school yard

I ignored him and faced the water watching the girls Alexis was holding shells as Emilia ran across the wet sand where the water reached the beach collecting them

"I think I'll go join them"

I rolled my jaw and told myself he was going for Emilia and not to leer at Alexis he got up walking over to the girls

I closed my eyes trying to enjoy the sun

"These are for you" I opened my eyes Alexis was standing next to my chair holding out 2 shells I took them "one is from Emmie and one is from me" she laughed "she demanded you keep them"

I laughed looking at the pinkish shell and the shinning iridescent shell "I wouldn't dream of getting rid of them" I put them in the chair next to me

"I'm stealing my seat back" Alexis dusted off her legs then sat down rolling up the crossing straps of her bikini so she wouldn't have tan lines

I nibbled my lip quickly looking away so she wouldn't catch me "you trying to tan too sir?" I looked back at her she was laid back relaxing

"Yeah" I nodded

"Cool I'll set an alarm for when we should turn over"

"Thanks" I quickly looked away again too tempted by the way her caramel skin was bathed in the sunlight highlighting her best features... her chest, hips, and thighs

"Wanna watch a movie when we get back to the room?" she hummed clearly unaware of my dilemma

"Sounds good"

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