Chapter 38

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To be sincere, it was nothing but crazy to willingly walk back to a place I struggled to escape from, but there was a reason I was going there. Even though I knew that it wouldn't be a pleasant experience for me, I still needed to go.

"Are you sure this spell is going to work out?" Kaspar asked.

Opening a rift that led right to Hell wasn't as simple a job as it seemed, and this was the reason why, after trying five different spells to open the breach, we were still nowhere close to achieving it.

"The only thing we have to do is keep on trying Kaspar," I replied, and he nodded.

Finding a spell that would open the rift had not been an easy job, not that we'd thought it would be. We had to spend hours working out the spell until we came up with something viable.

"I hope this one works out, cause it is by far the most complex one."

Each of the five previous spells were indeed complex, but this one Kaspar was about to cast was even more complex. To use it, I had to call upon my knowledge of dark magic, and while the spell wasn't linked to dark magic, it worked almost the same. Since Hell was Thegon's realm, dark magic could always find its way back there, and that was why we needed to apply the knowledge of dark magic to this spell.

The fact that Skylar had banished himself and Thegon to Hell was something that haunted me, and I was torn up inside by the thought of how much pain he must be going through. Thegon wasn't going to treat him kindly considering how he'd hindered his plans. I wondered if he had placed Skylar in his private chamber, torturing him, and wondered how long it would be before Skylar broke.

"Are you ready, Esa?" Kaspar asked, and I nodded.

The pentagram had been drawn on the ground, and it looked almost similar to a Summoning pentagram for all that it worked differently. I joined hands with Kaspar as we began to chant the words that would open the rifts that would lead to Hell. The words flowed out of our mouths, slowly rising in tempo as we completed the spell. It was high levelled, and it took a lot of energy and power to create the force necessary to jumpstart the spell.

We continued chanting, and I could see that Kaspar was struggling to remain on his feet, the spell taking its toll on him. Most people would have passed out from the intensity, but neither of us were weaklings; that was the only reason we were able to attempt this spell.

"I think it is working," Kaspar muttered as he fell to his knees, devoid of strength.

I rushed to his side and supported him as I watched the pentagram come alive, and the ground started forming cracks. It looks like the spell was indeed working since we had not gotten a result like this with the first five spells we had tried.

"How long do you think we have before the rift opens?" I asked.

"I'm not sure, but ten to fifteen minutes, I guess, and then a few minutes before it closes."

"That's good news then," I said. "I don't want anything coming out or anyone going in who has no reason to."

Once the rift was open, it was bound to draw attention from both sides. Demons would be aware of the rift, and its opening wasn't going to go unnoticed here either. If it opened fast, that was better, since it would confuse anyone who might notice the surge of power that would accompany the rift.

"Let's both get down that damn hole and rescue Skylar."

I knew that Kaspar had his reason for going to Hell, but I wasn't going to let him follow me down there. He was barely managing with his pain, and I wasn't going to drag him along with me even if he meant well.

The Ouiums Journey: Hell Broke Loose (book 1)Where stories live. Discover now