Chapter 21

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I took Skylar into my arms, cradled him, trying to understand what happened and how to console him. Nothing I said worked since my words couldn't reach him beyond whatever torment held him.

"Skylar, what's wrong with you? How can I help you?" I looked at that expression of agony; watching him make my chest hurt from helplessness until an idea flashed through my mind.

Can I tap into your pain as I do with your magic? The idea in itself is crazy, yet could be stupid enough to work. I need to be careful with what I'm about to do; a wrong move can cause him even more pain, or it could transfer his pain into me and paralyse me as well.

Think this through. Breathe, focus, and channel.

I closed my eyes and focused on that thought, looking for the source of his pain until I saw something hidden in his energy, a dark mass.

Now, siphon that energy, but I need a vessel to transfer it into. This darkness. What is this? Your unused dark magic?

I opened my eyes and took a quick look around me. A few candles were scattered here and there, so I used them as the vessel. I siphoned the dark mass of energy and channelled it to the candles. At first, they ignited in dark blue sparks, but the fire caught quickly, and the candles lit the room in darkness until they burned normally, leaving a soft, warm orange light.

Skylar's expression eased, and he stopped his frantic movements until he rested silently between my arms. A few moments later, he woke up, opening his eyes and glaring at me as if he saw a ghost.

"Esa!" he shouted, raising himself to hug me tightly. He held me as if we hadn't seen each other for years. "Esa, I'm so glad you're safe." He kept mumbling, and the more he spoke, the more confused I became. What was he talking about? I wasn't in danger in the first place, not like he was, so why was he glad that I was safe?

Confused, I hugged him, trying to comfort and ease him. "Skylar, what happened? Are you alright?" I asked him, but hearing my voice only made him weep harder.

I was finally able to help you.

The flickering flame of the candles created a soothing atmosphere. I steadied my breathing as I held Skylar closer.

"Lux," I whispered, focusing on the candles to hear me call out to them, the flames responded in a series of flickers and called me back, "Amare." The light took a form and began flowing like water toward us.

The materialised light encircled us until all of it made a bubble that sat pleasantly on our bodies.


The final word cast the magic and shifted the energy around us into a soothing gold and green colour. Its warmth spread through every inch of our bodies. Skylar's sobbing faded away, and a feeling of serenity enveloped us.

"Skylar, what happened?" I asked him in a soothing voice, and at last, he lifted his head to look at me, his eyes betraying the relentless storm inside him. "Esa, I had a dream about us, you. We were covered in darkness."

He took a moment to steel himself, getting up into a sitting position. "I called out to you, but you couldn't hear me, and you didn't respond to any of my shouts. I tried getting to you, but I couldn't move."

I put my hand on his chest, passing the soothing light to calm him down after asking again if he was alright. He continued explaining his dream.

"It felt like the world was crumbling beneath our feet, and I looked up to try and see you. When I saw you, I saw a ring of fire behind you and a giant creature stood there. I felt him, Esa, he was so powerful. I felt like I was going to die from the pain of just looking at him. He killed you, Esa. I saw you fall and die right before me."

The Ouiums Journey: Hell Broke Loose (book 1)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon