Chapter 23

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Hell was no pleasant place to visit, and both Estelle and Kaspar didn't have good looks on their face as they talked about what they had gone through in Hell.

"They are all gone now. Kaspar and I are the only ones left of what used to be my coven," Estelle said. "It took everything for Kaspar and I to leave that wretched place."

Estelle looked forlorn, and Skylar was not sure that he had the right words to comfort him. What they had both gone through in Hell was no simple thing, and comforting either of them would not be that simple.

How do you comfort a person who has gone through everything Hell offers?

"There is still one thing about this entire thing that still has me confused though," Estelle blurted.

"And what is that?" I asked.

"Why did Thegon keep us alive? I understand that he does as he wishes, but still, I can't grasp the reason he kept both Kaspar and me alive."

Thegon was an unusual character, and most times, an act of mercy from him was not an act of kindness but a well thought out plan. To him, everything was a chess game and each individual or being that came in contact with him was nothing but a game piece in whatever plans he had.

"We all know that Thegon is not as he seems," I said. "Maybe he thought he could have more fun with you guys before he finally finished you off."

"I don't think it is that simple, Esa," Estelle said.

"You don't have to bother yourself about it anymore, Estelle," Kaspar said.

With how things had been in the past few days and the loss of my mother, I understood how she felt and why she was bothered about Thegon keeping a watch over us.

"I know, Kaspar, but still," Estelle started.

There would always be that feeling that they could never put this behind them. They had lost a lot in their time in Hell and Estelle hadn't shaken off the memories even Kaspar was having a hard time believing that they had indeed managed to escape.

"I want you to know that we've left that place and we are safe now," Kaspar said as he walked over to Estelle and hugged her. She leaned into him as she tried to compose herself.

The look on Skylar's seemed a bit unique as if he was trying to understand what they had gone through. Estelle and Kaspar were not usually like this, but things were different, and there was no doubt that thinking of their time in Hell was behind it.

"We've lost so much, Kaspar," Estelle mumbled.

"But we've gained a lot," Kaspar replied softly.

"The cost is too much Kaspar. The cost is just too much."

Kaspar nodded. Their—our—lives would never be the same, not with the curse hanging around us and the fact that many witches would not accept us. No one in their right mind would want to do anything with someone who was cursed.

"Don't worry. Everything will be all right." Kaspar said.

I nodded, but I could see the look on Kaspar's face, and I knew that I had the same thought as Estelle. Their escape from Hell had been quite easy considering the place was supposed to be inescapable.

"Do you think Thegon let us out of Hell, or we were just lucky?" Kaspar asked.

"To be honest, I have no idea which it is, but you both know that trying to escape from Hell is far better than staying," I said.

"Yes, leaving was a risk we had to take. We could not bear to live those memories anymore," Kaspar said.

"I could still remember the pain of the knives and dagger as they dug into me," I said.

The Ouiums Journey: Hell Broke Loose (book 1)Where stories live. Discover now