Chapter 34

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Dagon sprinted at me at full speed, aiming for my leg; I dodged easily as I levitated, watching her reach the spot just below me and jumping as high as she could to grab my leg.

"Enough, Thegon, no more games," I shouted at him, but he only laughed at my statement, gesturing to our surroundings as he spun in place.

"How can you say such a thing?" His voice echoed throughout the stadium. "We are standing inside the arena, and we have a crowd to entertain."

With a snap of his fingers, the entire stadium was filled with demons rooting joyfully, laughing at me the way they did in my dreams, taunting me to distraction.

"Excellent. Now that we have a crowd, we need some music." He raised his hand, and the speakers around the stadium turned on. The voice of a woman echoed loudly as she screamed in agony. I recognised the voice as my mother, and behind her screams, a soft jazz melody played.

Distastefully to me, Thegon danced while levitating, a dance similar to an old medieval waltz. As he did so, Dagon kept on relentlessly jumping higher to try and reach me. Each time she tried, I blasted her down; she was knocked back, and then got up and stormed at me harder.

"Why not stop being a coward, Thegon?" I screamed at him, trying to reach him beyond the music and cheering demons.

He stopped dancing when his back was turned at me; I heard a whistle, and Dagon stopped her assault to run back to him. Calmly she sat below him, wagging a non-existent tail as she stared up at her master. He levitated himself down to the ground and put a hand on her head, petting her with satisfaction, and then he broke her neck to leave only six hounds.

"This is but a mere test, Esa, and as I see it, your power is exaggerated." A snap of his fingers sent the other hounds my way, launching themselves at full speed and jumping to get me.

But before they could, a bright light flashed between us, and from that light, Skylar, Estelle and Kaspar appeared, already in battle position and brimming with energy. Behind them stood ten elders, the strongest that the covers had to offer us in the battle against Thegon.

"Well, Thegon, I never thought I'd see you again in my lifetime," one of them said as he cracked his neck gently, warming up the old muscles. Another spat to the side, looking back at Thegon, and shouting with a sneer, "you're not getting off easy after everything you did."

Watching my comrades reappearing before me is a relief; would a moment later have been too late?

Thegon looked worried for a moment, but then he paused, a dumb smile fixed on his expression.

"All of this for me? You shouldn't have." He took a bow of gratitude and opened his arms in a welcoming gesture. "If I had known there would be a party, I would have brought gift bags."

Unimpressed, Estelle and the other witches moved in to attack the hounds, winning easily with magic so powerful it shook the entire arena. What was once a dark place was now filled with bright colours, vivid lights dispelling every scrap of dark magic Thegon brought with him. I stood there watching everything, mesmerised, unable to believe it; I knew how strong they were, but watching it live was leaving me speechless.

"Sorry, it took so long, I had to go and find them which wasn't easy. Can you believe that idiot, bringing us to a football stadium?" Skylar moved up next to me, full of glee, looking as bubbly as ever and smiling wide, showing his teeth.

His enthusiasm was contagious, and I couldn't prevent myself from laughing as well.

"What did you expect?" I took a step forward, pointing out the stands filled with demons. "Coming from a being that sees the end of the world as a game."

The Ouiums Journey: Hell Broke Loose (book 1)Where stories live. Discover now