Chapter 34: Blaze

Start from the beginning

Rachel gave her a small smile, and Calypso noticed that her freckles were prominent today. Normally Rachel wouldn't try such a risky makeup look, but there they were. Her beautiful green eyes were full of fear. Not that Calypso blamed her. Rachel had definitely been having so many nightmares recently, as evidenced by the dark circles beneath those eyes. 

Drew looked up from her pink phone and said, "So, how was it?"

"Boring," Calypso lied. It had mostly made her fearful. 

Khione didn't even glance up from her phone, which made Calypso's blood boil. Somehow, in less than a few months, Khione had worked her way up to Drew's best bestie. 

"Oh," Drew said. Drew took a sip of her pink mocha. "Well, we waited on you, so you're driving us to hang out."

"Sure," Calypso said. She wasn't sure if that was a good or a bad thing. She didn't want to fall off the popular wagon. 

Calypso started the car. Drew sat in the front seat, Rachel sat behind her, and Khione sat next to her. 

Rachel met Calypso eyes in the mirror, giving her a you-got-this look. Calypso certainly hoped she did. 

When they got to the mall, Drew and Khione immediately rushed ahead, while Rachel and Calypso grudgingly got their backpacks out of the Calypso's trunk. Calypso tugged on her green blouse, watching the blue and brown dot lead the black dot away. 

Rachel nudged her, the red fabric of her dress brushing her wrist. "Hey, are you okay?"

Calypso forced a smile and redid her lipgloss. "Um, yeah, I'm fine."

Rachel didn't look convinced, but she led her away. 

By the end of the Saturday afternoon, Calypso was tired, so she sat down on her bed, ready to start a marathon, but then she saw it. Her mother's door was open, and she had to seize the chance. 

Calypso grabbed a few dresses from the closet, a purple velvet dress and a pink floral dress. Calypso knew Pleione Ogygia loved these dresses, had even worn them to weddings, but she didn't particularly care. 

She stitched and pulled apart seams, creating something new. By the end, the velvet dress showed off her bare shoulders and wrapped around her neck, something that would have been totally scandalous. The pink dress was cut the tiniest bit shorter, and had a similar new neckline to the velvet dress. 

"What are you doing?"

Calypso rolled her eyes and got up. "You can wear another dress for your date."

Her mother sat down on the bed. "What do you mean?"

Calypso threw down the altered dresses, tired of pretending. "I know all about your affair, okay, mom? And, well, you should wear the red dress anyway."

Her mother sighed. "Calypso.."

"Nothing, nothing, it's fine." Calypso turned her head to hide her tears. "Just put on your dress."

Her mother went into the closet, and a few minutes later, she was out, wearing the red dress. "Darling.."

"What?" Calypso turned irritably towards her. 

"Let me at least explain myself." Calypso nodded, wanting to know. 

"Well, it started out as a revenge against your father, for causing the death of Zoe." Calypso sucked in a breath at that. Zoe had been her sister, and because she was asexual, Atlas Ogygia had thrown her out. Zoe had helped Percy and Annabeth in their fight against Kronos, but died in the process.

"And, well, he was always holding the Mountain together, anyways," her mother said, smoothing her red dress down. 

The Mountain Law Firm was her dad's law firm. And, after a packaging issue, someone needed to be there all the time, always pressing a button to keep the Sky(as they called it) up. Her grown up sisters had all been security guards there. Of course, now that he was a detective, and that he'd abandoned the Mountain Law Firm, the Sky was held up by some other schmuck. While Calypso had once supported him, not anymore. 

"But then, well, I realized something." Her mother looked afraid to tell her. 

Calypso was confused. "Realized what? That you enjoyed having a mister?"

"No," her mother said, shaking her head. "That I was a lesbian."

"Oh." Everything made so much sense now! "Who's your girlfriend, then?"


Ding! Ding! Her mother's phone rang and she smiled. "She's here, actually."

About a minute later, her mother came back up with a blond woman on her arm. She looked vaguely familiar... but that was probably just her imagination. 

"This is Kelli," her mother said. "And, Kelli, this is my daughter, Calypso."

Kelli was a blond woman with icy blue eyes. She wore a white dress with a long slit, and a gold purse on her shoulder. 

"Hi," Calypso said, not sure what else to say. 

Kelli smiled and waved. "It's good to meet you, Calypso."

Honk! Calypso jumped at the sound. 

Kelli laughed. "Oh, that must be Tammi, my driver."

Tammi was an African American woman wearing a blue blazer, a white shirt, and jeans. 

Calypso waved as they drove off. As soon as they were gone, she ran back to her room. 

"You're late."

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry. My mom-"

"Yes, yes, we know." The informant stalked closer. "Did you cover for us?"

Calypso's hand shook as she handed over the evidence she'd taken. "Yes. And nobody knows I took it."

"Good. Euryale and Stheno, come over here!" The snaky sisters themselves, appeared from behind the curtains. 

Euryale looked very put together, her red, white and yellow hair(that kind of reminded Calypso of the coral snakes she'd seen as a child) was tucked under her hat, and her uniform was pressed and clean. 

Stheno on the other hand....well, her short green hair was unbrushed and messy and her uniform was crinkled. 

"Destroy this," the informant said. 

Stheno carefully took it out of the bag, and passed it to Euryale, who crushed it. And, with it, Calypso's hope. 

"Alright, we'll see you tomorrow," the informant said. Euryale and Stheno were out the window first, then the informant. 

Calypso collapsed on her bed. She just wanted to kill herself at the moment. How could she have gotten into this mess? She needed to tell somebody, but how? Who would trust her? Who would listen to her? Who would even pick up?

And then, in a blaze of glory, it came to her. She immediately got up, fished out her phone, and dialed the number. They picked up quickly. "Hello, Leo."

Sorry for the late update and the kinda short chapter, but yeah, that's how short it is, so yeah. This chapter is very important for several things... so make sure you get the hints! Also, thanks for over 500 views on this story and 95 followers! See u next time!

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