"Why is her schedule so booked?" My mother asked. "She's not Queen yet, she shouldn't be that busy."

"Mrs. Price," Priscilla said. "You shouldn't even be in here as this is His Royal Majesty's quarters with Princess Emerald. It's a strict hallway."

"She's my mother!" I said to her.

"That's just a birth right," Priscilla said. "Mrs. Price has no title other than being your mother."

"Waters!" I called. He stepped inside, his hands behind his back. "Can you please call my husband and see if it's alright if we have a conference about a certain employee?" I asked, my eyes staying on Priscilla. Her posture never wavered.

"Yes, Princess," he nodded walking to the wall phone dialing Harry's room. "Your Highness, Princess—no, not your sister. Princess Emerald would like to have a word in your office regarding an employee. Yes, of course."

I turned to look at Waters. He nodded to me opening the door.

"Priscilla," I said beckoning her with me.

I concealed the smug feeling I had within me. I knew she was about to be relocated within the palace or flat out fired. A little bit of me felt bad, but the other part of me didn't because she is the one that almost ruined mine and Harry's relationship. He was the most important thing to me, and because of her I almost lost him.

The guards outside of Harry's office opened a door allowing me, and only me, entrance to his office. He looked up at me standing as I walked in. He circled around his desk.

"What's going on?"

"Priscilla," I said. Harry crossed his arms leaning against the desk. "My mum is visiting, and she asked a question about my schedule. Priscilla basically said that my mother isn't allowed in our room because she's just my mother."

"She's allowed in our room!" Harry said furrowing his brows. "Family is always permitted."

"I know this," I said putting my hand to my chest. "I just—I can't have someone around me who will continually show her distaste in me, and ridicule my family Harry."

"I know Em," he nodded. "I've been looking for her replacement," he said turning to grab a file. "I've narrowed it down to about three people, but they would need training from the other advisors so it would be a while before they're ready to go."

"I just want Priscilla gone, that's all I'm asking," I said. "She's the one who turned us in."

His eyes flickered up at me, widening as he took in this information. His father never told him about it. I wasn't surprised really.

"She turned us in?" he asked standing up. "The condom she found in our bedroom, she turned it into my father?"

"Trish told me," I said. Harry's hands ran through his hair. "Are you okay?"

"No! I'm not okay," he said pacing. "Emerald, she almost ruined us. I'm not about to let this damn woman continue working for me if she's going to ruin my life. He sat at his desk and his eyes flickered to the file.

"What are we going to do?" I asked.

"Hold on Em," he said. "Peeters!" he called. A guard stepped into the room asking what he needed. "Can you get Ryleigh?"

"Of course," he nodded.

"I'm sure she'll be up to it, but I want to ask if she would be willing to split and do our schedules until I hire a new one."

"Your Majesty," Ryleigh said coming into the room. "You need me?"

"Yes, take a seat please," he said gesturing to the chair next to mine. "It's come to my attention that Priscilla, Emerald's advisor, is being deemed as unfit for my wife. I was wondering, until I can hire someone new, if you could be willing to do our schedules."

"Advise both of you?"

"Yes, Ryleigh," he nodded. "This is only temporary, and I would of course supplement the extra work with a bonus."

"I can do that, sir," she said with a smile. "What happens with Priscilla?"

"She hasn't been informed, but she will be losing her position in the palace in about five or so minutes."

"Oh," Ryleigh said. "Did you want me to start now?"

"Yes. If you can, please make mine and Emerald's schedule similar, I'd like to see my wife throughout the day," he smiled looking at me. "Include meals together, dinner in the small dining room with Mum and Gemma."

"Yes sir," she nodded. "Anything else?"

"Could you cancel the interview for today? I don't really want to do it today. Maybe reschedule for after the coronation," I said. She nodded scribbling down that.

"An interview?" he asked. "I wasn't informed about this."

"Priscilla still hates me," I reminded him. He shook his head and dismissed Ryleigh. Priscilla emerged into the room shortly afterwards.

"Take a seat," he said to her. She sat down crossing her legs, her lips remaining pursed.

"Your Majesty, Princess Emerald has no authority to allow non-royalty into your quarters. Until—"

"She's my wife, Priscilla," Harry said. "She's allowed to have her family in our quarters. She's always been allowed in my family's bedrooms."

"Sir, that's no excuse for the way she treated me. She scolded me."

"As she should have," he nodded. "You may have been employed here for many years, but Emerald is going to be your queen next week. She will be helping rule the kingdom, and I want to make sure she's happy at the same time. This means that you will be replaced."

"I expected that."

"Until I can find Emerald's replacement, my advisor will be taking over our schedules."

"Sir, what does this mean?" she asked, her façade fading.

"I can't have you working under me if you're going to insult my mother-in-law, let alone my wife. It's also come to my attention that you were the one that forced our separation months ago," he said. "Anything to say to that?"

"King Desmond swore that was a secret."

"My father lied," Harry remarked. "Your colleagues who work with Emerald are very close with her, they're like family. A family tells each other things, Priscilla. Of course her being my wife, I would be told things."


"Please collect your things by two. You will receive your final paycheck by mail," he said and the doors opened as she left. "Happy?"

"Mmhmm," I smiled. "I've never seen her upset. She always has that hard look on her face."

"I know," he laughed and opened his arms as he leaned back on his chair. I walked over to him, and sat on his lap. He kissed my lips and pulled back giving me a smile. "I'm glad this makes you happy."

"Everything you do makes me happy," I smiled.

 "That's all I want in life. To make you happy."

The Queen (Harry Styles)Where stories live. Discover now