73. The Weasley's Arrival

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"That wasn't me weeing! Oh my Godric! My waters broke!" I say, looking at Molly in a panic.

"Calm down, right, let's get you in the bathroom and on the toilet and I'll clean it all up and get you a night gown." Molly says continuing to help me into the bathroom.

I go a wee and Molly cleans everything up, then helping me into the nighty and helping me get back into bed, when we hear the front door open.

"Mum!" I hear Bill shouting.

"Upstairs!" Molly replies, as the back pain comes back and I squirm in pain again.

"What's going on?" Bill asks.

"Y/n's water has just broke, now could you get your brother please." Molly asks calmly, I guess having seven of your own kids and sixth births makes you calm to these things.

"Okay, I'll be back as soon as possible." Bill says, rushing back down the stairs, and I hear the door slam shut behind him.

"Right, you are definitely in labour," Molly tells me, rubbing my back comfortingly. "Back pains  are one of the first comfortingly, we need to get you too St Mongos as soon as possible, I'm just going to write the letter to Eloise." Molly tells me, as she writes away, I'm fine, just uncomfortable.

I hear the door open from down the stairs and Fred bursts into the room, with a panicked look on his face.

"Are you, okay?" He asks me.

"Mostly yeah, not really prepared for two humans to come out of me, but there we go." I say with a small smile. "We are going to St Mongos, so you might want to change into something more comfortable."

"Your right I'll be back in a minute." Fred tells me, grabbing some clothes, leaving me with Bill.

"Ready to be an uncle?" I ask him, trying to do anything to get the image of two babies coming out of me out of my head.

"Yeah, are you ready to be a mummy?" He asks me.

"Ready as I'll ever be." I say, with Fred rushing back into the room.

"Er, big favour, but could you write to my uncle Remus please, I already asked George as soon as he knows to write to my friends." I tell him.

"Of course I can. Now go off to St Mongos and have those gorgeous babies." Bill tells me.

"Thanks Bill!" I say as Fred, grabs hold of me and slowly walks me down the stairs as we see Molly, has the two bags on either shoulder.

"You ready?" I ask Fred.

"Yeah, I am." He says smiling at me.

"Right, we need to take the floo network, so Fred go with y/n and I'll be right behind you both." Molly says, and I slip my slippers and dressing gown on and step into the fireplace with Fred and he grabs a handful of floo powder.

"St Mongos!" He shouts, and just like with a click of a finger we are at St Mongos and Fred helps me out of the fireplace which was in the waiting room, it also had some spell on it which cleans people after they step out. Fred then grabs a wheelchair and sits me down in it as we wait for Molly, who wasn't to far behind.

Molly goes up to the desk and after about five minutes I get a sharp pain in my abdomen, making me raise my voice slightly.

"Oh Godric that hurts!" I say and it only lasts about twenty to thirty seconds, we then see Eloise rushing over.

"Right, come with me, we have your room sorted for you already." Eloise says and Fred follows her, pushing me in the wheelchair as Molly follows behind with the bags.

Before I Go - Fred Weasley x ReaderTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang