deku and the boys: the boy eat paint

Start from the beginning

Aizawa + bakubabe: can't blame him
Mina, Kami, kiri and sero: HEY!!!

Serobabe: you want taco. I'll trade you taco for...*swaps taco with the phone and runs away* NINE QUAN QUAN (is that what he says) NINE QUAN QUAN!!
Kamipika: *chases after him* DONT FORGET THE CHICKEN WINGS!!

Minaqueen: Denki I uh actually have you pizza but I accidentally ate the chicken wings, I'm sorry
Kamipika: *upset Pikachu noise*
Dekubaby: no give me that!
Kamipika: *angry crackhead Pikachu noises*
Kiribro: tell nine one one,  tell nine one one he took your pizza dog.
Kamipika: h-he-he*angry crackhead Pikachu yell*
Everyone else: *laughing*

Everyone: *lowkey dying from laughing so hard*

Kiribro: look what I got. Kami you want the burber. Sero you want the burber
Serobabe and Kamipika: I want the burber!
Kiribro:  get it *throws the hamburger up in the air*
Kamipika: *catches the burger and starts eating* 
Kiribro: *tries getting the burger* no my burber
Serobabe: *takes burger*
kamipika: nooo
Kamipika: *smacks his head with a frying pan and takes the burger back*

Everyone: WTF!?!

Dekubaby: what the f*squeek* have you done! You hit him with a frying Pan! Look at him!
Kiribro: sero! Blink twice if you know what's going on. Blink twice mate.
Dekubaby: *smacks his face*

Sero: Deku why?
Sero: *sad tape Boi*

Minaqueen: izuku don't hit him more!.

Minaqueen: *holding a frying pan* maybe this might work.
Deku: I don't think that will wor-
Mina: *hits kirishima with the pan*
Pan - *doesn't work*

Sero: MINA!!
Mina: IM SORRY!!!

Minaqueen: is it working? *Tries again*
Kiribro: that's because he responds to sound! *Goes up to him.* SERO!!! *Hits his head* SERO!!

Sero: KIRI!! YOU TO?!
Kiri: IM SORRY!!!

Kamipika: *holding tacos* OUT THE WAY! EVERYONE OUT THE WAY!!
Minaqueen: oh sorry, sorry.
Kamipika: cLeAr!! *Uses the tacos like a defibrillator*
Serobabe: *comes around* oh thanks dog! *Eats the MaGiC tacos*
Dekubaby: he just needed 200 CCS of salsa.

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