chapter eleven

355 11 1

TW// self harm // TW
katyas pov

my blood boiled at the thought of david. my veins pulsed with adrenaline. trixie didnt deserve this. she didnt deserve any of this. i looked over at her. i reached my hand out to her as i saw a single tear fall down her cheek. she grabbed my hand and squeezed it as tight as she could.

we arrived at my apartment about fifteen minutes past nine.

"im going to go upstairs and get your bath ready, is that okay?"

she plopped herself on my couch and mumbled, "that would be great."

i ran upstairs and drew her bath. i began to scan the room for things i could do to calm her down. candles. i lit a few candles then put a dolly record in my record player. i remember her telling me about her obsession with dolly hours before. i smiled as i looked around, hoping i could make trixie feel better. seeing her so heartbroken broke a piece of my little cold heart. my heart grew just like the grinch when i was around trixie, there was just something so special and different about her.

"trixie!" i yelled.


"trix?" i began running down the stairs.


i sighed in relief when i saw her still sitting on the couch.

"trix, i ran your bath wa-" i stopped dead in my tracks.

"i cant do this! i cant be here katya, he has too much control over me! i cant do this, i-"

her wrists were covered in blood. i ran over to her and wrapped my arms around her.

"hey hey, listen to my voice, okay? listen to me, its going to be okay, hes not here. im here for you, im not going anywhere and you got this, you can do this i promise," i whispered into her ear.

i backed away from her and grabbed her hands to keep them occupied. she sobbed and began to shake.

i took her hand and put it over my chest, "can you feel my heartbeat? breathe with me trix. its all going to be okay, breathe in, 2, 3, 4, and out 2, 3, 4, 5-"

her breaths began to slowly sync up with mine. i reached over and grabbed and water bottle id left on the side table.

"take a sip of this love," she grabbed the bottle from me and took a swig.

"how about we go get you cleaned up? does that sound okay? then maybe we can get some rest."

she nodded in agreemnt as i wiped the tears from her face. i grabbed her hand and lead her upstairs. when we got upstairs i began to clean her wounds.

"im so sorry katya, since we decided to be friends ive brought nothing but drama and ive been such a burden, you dont deserve this."

"hey, trix, listen to me, you are not a burden. youve been nothing but a blessing and," i paused and looked into her honey brown eyes, "we came into each other's lives at the right time."

she smiled at me and wrapped her arms around me.

trixies pov

i couldnt believe katya, she really cared. i havent felt like someone cared this much in so long. i looked down at my wrists in disgust while in the bath, then up at katya who i asked to stay with me while i bathed. she was playing on her phone then looked up and met my gaze. she walked towards the tub and sat down near the tub. her hand reached out to mine, and i placed out my hand for her to hold. to my suprise she inspected my wounded wrists then looked up at me. her eyes were filled with pain. she softly kissed my scars then looked back up at me again,

"you're beautiful trix. you're so much stronger than you think. and im so proud of you."

the words brough tears to my eyes. but for the first time in a long time they were happy tears.
im so proud of you. the words replayed in my head over and over. she was the first person to ever breathe those words to me.

i wrote out this whole chapter and it got erased so i rewrote it and agh

untitled: trixie and katyaTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon