chapter twenty six

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trixies pov
(katya is coming soon)

it had been a little over a week of staying at the hospital. i had my bad moments but overall, i was feelings worlds better.

"excuse me trixie, can i talk to you?" a nurse tapped my shoulder.

"of course, what is it?"

"follow me please."

she led me into a huge office. i assumed it belonged to one of the counselors.

"have a seat, please," she gestured to the chairs.

"im starting to get nervous, what is this about?"

my psychiatrist and counselor walked in.

"trixie," the nurse began, "we um- we have some news for you, we have just been waiting to tell you until you were stable."

i looked around at them all, "okay? can we get to the point?"

my psychiatrist pulled his glasses down, "trixie, youre pregnant."


"please keep your voice down," the petite nurse tried to calm me.


"well at the hospital, before your surgery, the doctors performed a pregnancy test, just out of protocol, and it came back positive. we thought maybe it could have been a false positive, so we tested your urine again after you arrived and yet again, it was positive."

i tried to grip the arms of the chair but my palms were slick with sweat, "this cant be happening, this has to be a joke."

my counselor looked up at me, "trixie would you like to describe what you are feeling right now?"

"scared. im terrified, im in no way ready to raise a child. and im pissed, i cant believe he did this to me."

"those are all normal emotions to have in response to what happened. are you having any thoughts of harming yourself?"

i took a deep breath, "no, im not, can i please just go to my room? i need to calm down and process. please?"

"yes of course, ms. mattel, if you have any questions for me or if you began to think about harming yourself please contact a nurse. we are all here for you."

i got up out the chair, struggling to stay upright, i felt drunk. the words played over in my head, "trixie, you are pregnant." i thought i hated pete before, but now, i wanted him dead.  what was going to happen when david found out? katya? i was the farthest thing from prepared to bring a child into this world.

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