chapter two

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trixie's pov

yet another weekend of small town gigs just hoping that i'll get my one way ticket to hollywood. i stopped by the café for some much needed energy, and as always katya was working.
"your usual?" she chirped as i walked in.

"how about we change it up today?" i responded, "give me your favorite, with an extra shot. its going to be a long day."

"oh? someone's finally stepping out of their comfort zone i see. the katya special with an extra shot coming right up!" she smiled and began working.

i watched as she danced around the kitchen so effortlessly. there was something about her that was just so beautiful. my daydream was interupted by her voice.

"like what you see?" she winked as she handed my drink out to me.

"oh im so sorry! i mustve zoned out," i said as my cheeks went from pale to a shade of pink.

"im so sure," she said, "where ya playing tonight? i might just have to stop by."

"oh um yea im playing at the bar down the street, you should definitely pass by."

"maybe i will."

ps. im new to this and i know these first couole chapters are short im trying my best xoxo

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