chapter twenty two

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self harm mentions, suicide, blood

trixie pov-

a few weeks had passed since the incident, but the pain was still there. id began spiraling, i hadnt talked to anyone but katya, and that was also getting less and less by the day. id only get up to shower and occasionally eat. my body began to reflect the malnutrition id given it. i was also now 13 days late for my period. id hadnt told anyone. i figured it was because of the one meal every other day. katya tried her best to get me to eat and get out of bed but she has been so busy with trying to find a job.

-ring ring-

another phone call ignored.

kim- babe, im really worried please give me a call soon. xoxo, kim


the thoughts started to swirl. you're disgusting. no one will ever love a damaged person like you. you ruin it all. what if you have to have petes baby. youll die. youll ruin an innocent baby. you dont deserve to live. everyone hates you.

"shut up!" i screamed and began to scratch at my thighs. "shut up! please! stop!"

the thoughts became louder.

i began to scratch harder. my vision began to go black.

"shut the fuck up!"



katyas pov

i flung the door open, groceries in hand.

"youd think in this big ass town there would be at least one establishment hiring, i guess i was wrong!"

i put the bags on the counter, "trix! i got you something!"

"trix! you up? its 4pm!"

i stopped in my tracks. my mind went immediately to the worst. i ran as fast as i could up the stairs.


still silence.

i threw open the door. "trixie!"

i ran to her side, her thighs were covered in blood. her pillow was covered in tears. a single blade on the floor.

"fuck trixie, no please," a stream of tears began to run down my face.

i tucked behind her ear, "trixie baby, please you have to stay alive, you have to stay here for me!"

i fumbled for my phone and dialed 911.

"911, what is your emergen-" the operater began.

"my friend- i think shes dead- theres so much blood..." i cried out.

"take a deep breath okay, where are you located? and can you give me a few more details about her condition?"

"shes...- i think she may have tried..." i swallowed, "suicide- shes unconcious and her breaths are very shallow, and yes we are at the palazzo west apartments, apartment 602B. please hurry, please, i cant lose her we need  an abulance!"

"mam we have an ambulance en route, it will all be okay."

i threw my phone down and picked up trixie bridal style.

"im...- sorry...- kats...-" trixie managed to breathe out.

i began to sob, "shhh shhh its okay we will fix this, youll be okay, i promise im here love."

i ran down the stairs, as i heard the sirens approaching. i opened the door and ran to the ambulance. the lights. the sirens. everything faded to a blur. the adrenaline had taken over.

the paramedics put her into the ambulance and began to put an oxygen mask on her and closed the doors. i fell to my knees. i knew she was in pain but i coukdnt believe it was this bad. all i wanted was to take it away. trixie had so much potential, has so much potential.

i ran inside, grabbed my keys and got into my car. im suprised i even made it to the hospital. my thoughts completely suffocated me. i was so scared that trixie would be gone. i cant do this without her. i love her.

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