chapter seventeen

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Katyas pov

The first night was great, we spent almost all of it together. After our dinner... interaction... date? We went back to the apartment and pretty much fell asleep right away. i woke up early as usual and walked outside for my morning cigarette. i was still in awe of just how fast my life had changed in the span of two weeks. my thoughts were interrupted by trixie. i still thought about the night we kissed. i wondered what wouldve happened if david wouldntve shown up. shes straight i know but a straight girl would not have kissed me like that. i knew asking her about it woukd probably just make things awkward. shes my roomate now, im better of just admiring from afar.

i walked back inside after finishing my cigarette and decided to attempt to finish unpacking.

"need some help?" trixie looked into my room.

"shit trix, you scared me, its early why are you up?"

"well its kinda hard to sleep with you hauling shit around," she laughed.

"im so sorry i was trying to be quiet."

"oh its okay, i needed to get up and get moving anyway. but do you need any help?"

"thats okay, im just unpacking and decorating, its only been one night but im tired of looking at these four white walls, gives me ptsd."

"well you know were to find me," she said in a singsong voice.

i finished unpacking and decorating after only a few hours. as i plopped myself on my bed i felt trixie plop herself right beside me.

"want to watch a movie?" she rolled over and looked at me.

"can i shower first? i smell like an old gym sock."

"yes, please do, i could smell you from my room," trixie pinched her nose and laughed.

i playfully pushed her, "you bitch, i dont wanna watch a movie with you now."

"aw, someone's wittle feelings are hurt," she pushed me back.

we continued to go back and forth for a while and began to playfully wrestle. soon i had trixie pinned to my bed.

"fine fine, maybe i lied, i didnt smell you," she pouted, "can i go now?"

i laughed and began to stare into her eyes. they were so easy to get lost into. she looked back and me and smiled.

"what?" i asked.

"nothing, oh nothing."

"trix i have you pinned right now, im not going to let you go until you tell me."

"i think someone has a little crush on me."

"do not!" i sat up.

"go shower and meet me on the couch, movie starts soon."

i rolled out of bed, "fine, will there at least be popcorn?"

"what's a movie without popcorn?"

i grabbed some clothes and began to walk out, "for the record, i dont have a crush on you."

maybe i did have a crush on her, but im probably just lonely.

i showered as quickly as i could and headed downstairs. trixie was in her pajamas with a bowl of popcorn laying on the couch.

"smelling better already," she joked.

i sat next to her, "so, what is tonight's feature presentation?"

"mean girls."

"sounds, um, interesting."

"wait wait, youve never watched mean girls?"

"should i have?"

"i cant believe this, we have to get this movie started asap," she grabbed the remote and clicked play.

trixie basically watched me for almost the whole movie to make sure i was reacting as i should. as the movie finished she said, "so was that not one of the best movies youve seen?"

"i mean, it was okay."


"yes JUST OKAY!" i laughed.

"i cant believe you are just watching mean girls for the first time and you just think its okay."

"im sorry, i just, i think you hyped it up too much."

she rolled her eyes, "whats your favorite movie?"


"hm ive never seen it."

"i think its better than mean girls, maybe thats an unpopular opinion in this household but," i shrugged.

"i will be the judge of that, we can watch it tommorow." she scooted closer to me.

i looked up at her, yet again here we are face to face. she looked at my lips and then looked back up into my eyes. a straight girl wouldnt do that... i thought to myself... or would she?

"can i kiss you?" she said to my suprise.

i nodded, in shock. soon my lips were met with hers. she grabbed my waist and pulled me towards her. i pushed her onto her back and straddled her, never leaving her lips. they were so soft. she grabbed my hand and led it to her breast. i began to squeeze softly and trace my finger over her nipple. i grabbed her bottom lip with my teeth and pulled away. she had a look if desparation in her eyes as i looked at her. so vunerable. i moved my lips to her neck. planting soft kisses from her ear to her chest. my hand exploring her body. she let out soft moans as i nibbled at her earlobe.

"i..-," her words were broken up with moans, "katya...-"

i lifted my head up, "is everything okay trix?"

"i just... im sorry i cant do this."

i backed off of her and helped her up, "its okay, its okay, you dont have to. are you okay?"

"i, i just need to go lie down im sorry."

"trixie, theres no need to apologize, you did nothing wrong okay?"

"okay..." her voice began to break as she ran upstairs.

"trixie wait!" i followed her upstairs.

"talk to me, whats going on?" i sat next to her.

"can we just lay here? i dont want to talk about it. can you stay with me?"

"of course love," her head fell onto my lap as i stroked her hair.

"whatever it is we will figure it out and you will be okay."

i kinda hate this chapter ngl im just having writers block

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