chapter sixteen

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Trixies pov

Katya pulled up to my apartment. She drove an older model sports car. In that moment i started to get cold feet, not because i didnt want to leave, just because i realized how much i really didnt know about katya. This was the first time i ever saw her vehicle, i didnt know if she had siblings, or even what her favorite color was. I assumed it was black or red. She stepped out of the vehicle, wearing her black ripped jeans and black leather boots, paired with a red tee and a leather jeacket. Her blonde hair was messy as usual but fell so chaotically perfect. Her red lips made my mind begin to drift.

"Trix! Is that you?" She shouted up at me.

"Yea, are you going to help me or just stand there looking pretty?"

She ran up the stairs, "lets get this show on the road."

We eached grabbed a few bags and began to walk downstairs.

"This one's mine."

She began to cackle as she placed the bags by the car, "Of course you would drive a pink smart car."

"Hey! what's that supposed to mean," i playfully slapped her arm.

"Ouch! Remind me never to make fun of you again," she continued laughing.

We finished packing up my car, and even had to place a few things in katyas car.

"You ready?" Katya pulled down her sunglasses.

"Lets do this."


The drive to LA was quite uneventful. I followed katyas car directly to the apartment. We spent the entire week after making our decision to move finding an apartment. LA was definitley a step up from our little small town. After almost a days worth of driving we finally arrived. The apartment was even more grand in person. This was our new life.

Katya stepped out of her car, "welcome to LA my dear trixie! What do you think?"

"Well the traffic is horrid, but its breathtaking."

"Its starting to get late, how about we just go grab food?"

"Sounds like i plan."

We picked up chinese food and katya decided to drive to the beach.

"A picnic huh? Seems a little romantic to me," i nudged katya as we sat down on the beach.

"Take it how how want, im just enjoying some food with a friend on the beach at sunset."

"So tell me more about yourself, i wanna know what makes katya, katya," i looked at katya as i slurped up a noodle.

"Oh man, where should i begin?"

"just tell me what you think i should know."

"Well, im originally from boston, i have an older brother and a younger sister, my family was always close, but also distant if that makes sense. My mom always wanted us to seem like the perfect family, but we definitley lacked love. I love red, ive learned a few different languages, and well um thats pretty much it, im not a very interesting person," she giggled slightly.

"Have you ever been in love?"

"Whoa whoa who put you in charge of the questions? I thought it was my turn."

"Well i didnt realize we were playing a game," i laughed, "but fine what do you want to know?"

"I told you about me, tell me about you."

"Fine. Im from milwaukee, i too am a middle child. Ive never really met my dad, and my homelife was pretty rough, we were extremely poor, but thats a story for another day. If it wasnt obvious enough, my favorite color is pink. Oh yea, im a virgo."

"Taurus," she remanded, smiling at me.

We talked for about another hour or so.

As the sun set katya looked up at me and smiled.

"You sure are smiley tonight," i cocked my eybrow.

"Just excited is all. By the way, once."


"I fell in love once."

I thought about her response and began to ponder on my own. David crossed my mind. I always thought he was my first love, but that wasnt love. Maybe in the beginning, but pain was the only thing he brought me in the end. Then again, they always say that love is pain.

"Trix?" Katya interrupted my thoughts.

"Whats up?"

"What are you thinking about?"

"I was just admiring the sunset."

"It's almost as beautiful as you," katya yet again flashed her bright smile.

"Shut up you lesbian," i pushed her into the sand.

"Oh its on now."

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