chapter thirty seven

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trixies's pov

i was finally beginning to accept the fact that i liked katya. i decided that moving here, despite everything that happened was finally going to be a fresh start for me. i was, and well still am rather shocked that katya has stuck around this long. it was finally the day of the wedding and i couldnt be more nervous.

"trixie? knock knock," katya walked into the hotel room.

i was in the bathroom putting the finishing touches on my makeup when i heard her voice. i peaked my head out and the had to pick my jaw up off of the floor. her normal black was replaced with red. she wore a lacey white top that showed off her cleavage, with a fiery red blazer and matching slacks with a pair of black pumps. her hair was in a messy updo which showed off her prominent cheekbones and jawline. those lips, those bright red lips were the icing on the cake. this outfit looked like it was made just for her.

"like what you see?" she walked closer and garbbed me by my waist.

"i- wow katya, you... you look amazing."

"im glad i look amazing because fuck im uncomfortable," she backed me into the door, "i got you something."

"got me something?" i couldnt stop staring.

"yes, follow me."

i followed her out to the bedroom where a beautiful simple red dress laid out. it was about knee length with pouffed long sleeves and a small bow on the belt. red was never a choice for me but i couldnt help but think about how much of a power couple we would look like walking in.

"i know you were iffy on your outfit you picked for tonight so i went out and found this dress, i think it was destiny because there was only one left and it just so happened to be your size. if you aren't comfortable in red its okay, i just wanted you to feel sexy and-"

"katya shh, it's beautiful," i picked it up and held it to my body, "of course i want to wear it."

"youre so beautiful."

"i know its crazy isnt it?"

we both broke into a fit of laughter.

"alright alright, im going to finish getting ready we need to leave soon."

i walked back into the bathroom and finished up my hair and makeup. i decided on a simple black and white eye look and a red lip. definitely out of my comfort zone but oddly enough katya was right, i felt pretty sexy. i curled and teased my hair then began getting dressed.

"its show time," i looked at my reflection in the mirror and walked out.

"i- wow- DING! DONG!" i heard katya as i walked out of the bathroom.

"you idiot," i laughed, "come on or we will be late."

she got up and followed me out the door, she walked close and whispered, "its going to be hard to get anything done with you looking this hot."

chills ran down my spine. ive never been much of a sexual being but i swear katya awoke something inside of me.

"a limo? really?" i laughed as a tall thin man dressed in a suit pulled open the door.

"a limo fit for my queen," katya sat next to me.

my nerves were starting to get the best of me and i could tell that i wasnt the only one. katya's leg bouncing made the whole limo shake. i placed my hand on her knee and she looked up at me.

"im sorry, im just nervous, i havent seen everyone in so long."

"its going to be okay," i grabbed her hand, "we are in this together."

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