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“Don’t have to tell me twice.”

From Crona’s command, Ragnarok transformed into the black sword in hand making Shizuku back up from the feeling and letting them go in the process.
Their eyes hadn't adjusted to the darkness just yet but they could hear fighting besides them.
Small yelps could be heard from both the Spiders and the boys.

Crona's eyes slowly adjusted and they could see Killua being held tightly by Machi.
"Killua!" Crona raised up their sword but was interrupted by a kick to their back, making them fall to the ground.
Their head was pounding as they could hear ringing over faint voices.
They tried to get back up with one arm but fell again from someone else's weight on them, restricting them from escaping.

"Scre-" Crona coughed but was not being able to finish their command.
'Wait no... I'll hurt Gon and Killua too in the process.' Crona thought, rethinking about using Scream Resonance.

After the struggle, everyone could be seen in the room by the natural light coming from the lightning outside.
Crona looked around and saw a glimpse of Shizuku being the one restricting them again.
Gon was held by the feet from Nobunaga and Killua with Machi.
This isn't going to be good.
Crona could have a breakdown right there right now.
Ragnarok was still in his sword form in hand in front of them, but they're not going to risk anything. It'll make things worse than it already is.
"Pakunoda are you okay?" One of them asked.
"My arm is broken and my molar as well." She winced, covering her mouth due to the pain.

Then there was something flying past them.
"It looked like it came from the entrance."

Crona looked over slightly and saw Nobunaga pass Gon to Machi, who quickly tied him up again,  then removed something from the pillar which seemed to be a knife with a note.

"But there is something you all should re-"
"Pakunoda quiet. Don't say anything. This note is for you." Nobunaga passed the note over to Paku.

Crona tried their best to look around them to check if the boys were still there.
As they glanced, they felt like there was a certain presence missing.
They glanced at each person there except for one person. Chrollo.
They calmed down and rested their head against the floor.

Shizuku took notice of Crona's glances and copied their previous looks.
She noticed the missing one quickly.

"Everyone. Where's the boss?"

This caught the attention of everyone. Some looked around while others didn't bother to look, knowing that the power outage was just a diversion.
The lights were back on shortly.
Crona was let back up but was still restrained. Ragnarok was hidden and their chin was bruised by the impact of hitting the floor.
Crona looked down in shame, not wanting to say anything to the ones around them.

"No way! Crona!"

The meister quickly looked up from the call and saw Shalnark run up to them while Phinks and Feitan walked behind him.

"Didn't think I would see you so soon!" He smiled, making Crona feel a bit uneasy.
They didn't want to smile back or acknowledge him at the moment. Yes he was a pretty nice guy besides the killing and all, but this just wasn't the right time.

"Looks like our job got easier than. Feitan really missed you " Phinks jokes, making Feitan get a little irritated.
"I want that demon dead." Feitan spat, making Crona feel even more awkward.

"Aww how sweet of you"
Ragnarok appeared, messing with Feitan even more making the Spider give him a look.
Phink's phone began to go off.
He took it out and checked the caller.
"Oh it's from the boss."

Crona looked to the side to take a look at the boys. Gon gave a quick glance back but Killua didn't even want to look.
Crona took this to heart and looked down, focusing on their shoes.

"The two put up a struggle so a few bones had to break." Phink's smirked while having the phone to his ear.

"Then this conversation is over."
The other line hung up the phone.

"Idiot haha!"
Ragnarok laughed while Machi and Nobunaga gave him a quick hit.
Pakunoda had the phone now but later walked away from everyone else.

'The other person through the line must be Kurapika. Please tell me it's Kurapika.' Crona wished in their mind.
'Just get them out of here. I don't think I'll be able to escape one more time, but just get Gon and Killua out. They're good kids."

Shizuku spoke, still holding Crona's arms.
"If I let you go, will you do anything to make us kill you?"
Crona gave the question some thought.
This was heard by the two kids as well, wanting to know their answer.

"No. I'm sorry for the trouble. I'll just sit against the pillar." Crona sighed.
Shizuku nodded and let go of their hands, freeing them from the pain.
Crona sat down in a fetal position like they promised and closed their eyes.

"Pakunoda where are you going?"

"Don't stop her. Just let her go."

Crona took a peek and watched Paku leave through the front entrance.
They didn't seem to care anymore so they closed their eyes again.

Hello, author here!
I'm gonna thank y'all again for the amount of reads and votes
It makes me glad that people like this story as much as I do ( ◜‿◝ )♡

I try to update as much as I can but recently I made another story that I am updating at the same time
        It's about Gon being in the Phantom Troupe so if you want to check that out than go ahead! It's called Secret Spider

Thank you again for the support and I wanted to say that I have something in mind for this story in later chapters so I can't wait to get to that part


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