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As Chrollo enters the big but dismantled building, he was welcomed by a blonde cheerful male with a bowl cut hairstyle.

Chrollo greets them back while walking past them to change out of his current clothes to his usual Troupe outfit.
Yes, Crona did have to wait a while but they didn't mind that. They liked this little moment before meeting new people. Might as well make the most of it.
Crona grabbed a nearby stick and would draw alongside the dirt.

They would doodle their friends like Maka, Kid, Blackstar, Tsubaki, etc etc.
They even drew a messy drawing of the school too. If Kid ever saw this doodle, he would freak out about how unsymmetrical it is. Crona laughed to themselves.

Crona realized how much they actually really missed what they had, making them a little sad

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Crona realized how much they actually really missed what they had, making them a little sad.

"Mmm Ragnarok? You wanna come out?"
No answer.
"Are you mad?"
No answer.
"You're going to come out eventually"
No answer.
"You're so selfish"
Crona threw the stick and sat against the outer wall of the building.

"Chrollo's taking longer than I thought…" Crona yawned.
"He wouldn't mind if I took a nap right?"
With that, Crona lowered their head resting against their arms in a comfortable position.

Until they felt a sudden wind against the side of their head.
Crona looked over to the side to see what might've caused the wind.
"That's... unusual"
There they saw a play card stuck against the wall.
"H-How is that even possible?"

They got out of their fetal position and tried to pull the card out of the wall.
Analyzing it a little closer, they notice that there was no rip nor scratch on the card.
Crona looked away from it and around their surroundings and see…


Nothing nor nobody was around.

Only silhouettes of tall buildings from far away.
"That's some strong wind" Crona mumbled.

Chrollo appeared outside the entrance of the building.
"You look different. Is that the reason why you took so long?"
Crona realized how Chrollo slicked back his hair revealing a cross tattoo on his forehead, and his new choice of clothing which is way different compared to his previous attire.

"Did I really make you wait long? My apologies."
"No it's okay"

The messy pink haired introvert stood up from their spot and walked towards where the entrance was.
"What's that in your hand?" Chrollo pointed.
"Oh this? I don't know how, but this card was stuck on the wall right before I was going to take a nap. And it's in perfect condition too. Weird."
Chrollo nodded as if interested but having a slight frown on his face, already knowing the rightful owner of that card.

"Before I introduce you to everyone, don't take anything they say personally. I can tell you seem fragile."

"W-what? Fragile?"
"Oh did that seem rude? Sorry."
"No no it's okay. I should be fine anyways. You've already seen how my partner is."
"Oh true haha. Is he going to come out? It'd be great for him to also greet the others."
"Well it all depends on him."
Crona looked down, avoiding Chrollo's contact from seeing any disappointment from him.

"Alright. Let me go in first."
Chrollo took the first step back into the building.

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