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"Crona, I'll be right back okay?"
Young Maka let go of young Crona's hand.

Crona nodded, watching the small girl with pigtails run away.
They were confused. Where else is there to go? This whole area is covered with sand and they were the only two there.

Crona did a small wave and sat down, expecting for Maka to come back shortly. Maybe to grab a seashell of something.
They grabbed a stick and drew on the sand, doodling Maka and them.
After waiting for a while, they noticed how long it has been. It felt like hours passed after Maka ran.
Crona stood up while looking around their surroundings. Sandy, quiet, and lonely.

"Maka?" They mumbled.
They walked towards the direction where Maka supposedly ran off too.
After taking a few steps they heard a faint noise. It sounded like paper.

Crona looked at the small sand hill, since that's where they heard the noise, and walked towards it hoping it was their friend.
As they take a small peek, they see a young boy reading a book. The boy had black hair that slightly covers his ears.
The boy senses eyes staring at him and looks up from the book and looks around to see messy pink hair behind the hill.
“Hello?” He says.
Crona takes a step back so that the hill could hide them more.
The boy walks over to the introvert slowly. “You okay?”
Crona looks at the boy and sees his grey eyes staring at them.
They sighed and nodded their head, not wanting to talk to him just yet.
The boy nodded and sat beside where Crona was standing and opened their book.
“Hey, can you read this?” He pointed at the page he was on.
Crona took a closer look and saw writing they never saw before. They shook their head.
“You’re like me then! Well i’m still learning but still.” He smiles.
Crona looked down at the boy confusingly, but didn’t bother asking.
“Here, I’ll teach you what I know.”


Crona looked around to find where the sudden call was. They saw another boy in the sandy area. They saw that the boy was wearing a blue with yellow patterns tribal outfit.
“Pairo! Where are you!” He continued to yell.

Crona kept staring at the boy who was looking for his missing friend with wondering eyes.
As they gazed at the boy, they slowly took small steps towards him.
The blonde boy took notice and saw Crona's lean figure walking slowly to them.
“Hey!” The blonde boy waved over at Crona and ran over to them. “Have you seen a small boy with brunette hair? Kind of have the same clothes as I do. I can’t leave him alone.”
Crona looks at the boy and feels something familiar. Like they have seen someone like this before. Blonde hair that reaches to the neck and similar outfit.
They shook their head as a response making the blonde boy sigh.
“Would you help me? He’s important to me. I’m Kurapika by the way.”
Crona widens their eyes from hearing that familiar name.
‘Kurapika....a friend I just made, but how did you get here? Wait….if you’re Kurapika than that other boy is-’

“I thought you were going to read with me?” The black haired boy walked up to the two having his book in hand. “I was hoping you’d help me.” He grabbed Crona’s arm gently tugging it.
“Wait but I need help finding Pairo.” Kurapika gently grabbed Crona’s other arm. At this point it felt like the start of a tug of war.

“Cronaaa” There was another voice heard, but this time it was someone that Crona knew right off the bat.
“Maka?” They spoke.
“Cronaaaaa where did you go?”
“Maka!” The two other boys stopped their gentle tugs and looked at the pink haired kid.
“I can’t find you Cronaaa.” Maka was starting to get into Crona’s view, but only their view.
“Maka I’m here!” Crona was nervous since the boys looked at them with confused stares.
“There’s no one here.” They heard Maka say, watching her walk away.
Crona felt worry overflowing them and wanting to run to their friend, but felt like they won’t reach them in time.
“Come join me.”
“Wait, but Pairo.”
The two boys who gripped Crona’s two arms continued.


“Woah, that was unexpected.”

Crona turned to the voice and saw Leorio sitting on a chair next to the bed they were on.
“What happened.” Crona stuttered.
“You passed out in front of us, so I’m taking care of you while the others are in the other room.”
“Sorry for the trouble, Leorio.”
“Ah no worries. I always love to help. It’s my dream to be a doctor so this is like good practice!” Leorio smiles. “Here I’ll get you some water, don’t go anywhere.”
He stood from his chair and walked out the door.
“I guess it was all a dream I guess.” Crona whispered to themselves. “Who even is Pairo?”

“Geez it’s already dark. How long were you even out?” Ragnarok appears.
“I don’t know but hopefully not long.”
“Yeah, I wanna know what they’re doing after the whole bodies being fake thing.”
“Oh that’s right.” Crona scooted close to the edge of the bed with Ragnarok looking through the window.
“Haha! Check out that guy there.” Raganrok pointed. “That guy on the roof. Guy? I don’t know, they have really long hair, but isn’t that creepy.”
Crona took a peek and saw who their partner was referring too. A tall silhouette with long hair blowing in the wind. “Ignore them. We don’t want more creeps to take interest in us.” They went back to their bed.

“Crona! Are you okay?” Gon ran in the room with Leorio following with a cup of water.
"Oh hi Gon, I'm fine but how long have I've been out?" 
"Only like half an hour I believe, it all happened fast." Leorio handed the water to Crona.
"It felt like hours though!" Gon spoke. "Killua seemed more worried but he's talking to Kurapika about our plan so he'll come by later."
"Plan? You guys already made a plan?"
"Yeah! Kurapika said it was risky but I'm willing to do anything to help him out."
"What is it that you're doing?" Crona sips on their cup.
"We're going to follow the Troupe and-"
Crona interrupts Gon by almost choking on their water. Follow the Troupe? Are you serious?
"Wait no! You can't do that! They'll hurt you!"
"I-I mean like they know you guys took me. You'll get beaten up and I don't want that for you."
"Like I said Crona, I'll do anything to help and I say this for Killua's behalf as well." Gon reassured with a courageous smile.
Crona felt stumped. This kid never gives up.
"Are you in this too Leorio?" They looked at the tall man.
"Sure am."
Seemed like everyone was in. Crona stood from the bed and made their way to where the other two were.

"Crona you're awake!" Kurapika noticed.
"How are ya?" Killua asks.
"I'm fine. Gon told me about how you already made a plan about the Troupe."
"Getting straight to the point huh?" Killua laughed.
"Yes we have."
"I want to help."
Killua stopped his giggles and looked at the tall swordsman. "Crona don't" he mumbled.
"Crona I'm sorry but I don't think I can let you." Kurapika shakes his head.
"Why can't I? Everyone is part of it. I don't want to feel useless."
"They will take you right when they see you before I can do anything. You don't want to go back to them right?"
"Kurapika's right about this one." Leorio walks in with Gon. "You've been hostaged once and now that we're here, we don't want that to happen again."
"T-that's the thing. You guys are here. With a well thought out role for me, I can help without getting captured." Crona felt outnumbered but wanted to continue.

"Plus I got saved from you guys so why not return the favor."

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