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Crona hesitantly took small steps towards the familiar figure.

"Oh you're back!"
Leorio walked in the room, greeting them with a small wave. Two other figures followed him behind.

"Cronaaaaaaa!" Patty ran and tackled the pinkette with a big bear hug, squeezing her now found friend tight.
"C'mon sis we talked about this" Liz laughed while yanking her younger sister off Crona, who was still in a state of shock.

"You know them, Crona?"
Gon looked up.

"Well that's what they told me!" Leorio answered. "They all said they came from your world and were on the search for you." He continued.

"You three took an awfully long time to get back. Sorry about your other friend in the other room. He doesn't look too well." Liz smiled while patting Crona's shoulder, referring to Kurapika's state.

"I think you broke them." Killua said while noticing the meister not saying anything.

"I would too if i was in this situation." Gon giggled while shaking Crona's arm.

Ragnarok gave his partner a quick bonk and brought them back to thought.
"See! All better." He laughed.

"S-sorry it's just… i don't know… how-what- wait GAH"

"Look homie, our first question is how did you get here?"
Ragnarok pointed at Kid.

"Did you get stuck here like how I did? Not knowing how to get back?" Crona managed to ask while scratching their hair frantically.

"First off, calm down alright?" Kid smiled. "This must be a lot to take in."

"Yeah no duh, even I'm shocked" The little demon scoffed.

Gon walked up to the new guests with Killua following.
"You're Kid? The son of a Shinigami?" He smiled widely.

"Oh so you know about me." Kid nervously smiled at the boy, not expecting such a burst of energy.

"Uh huh! Crona talks about their friends and says how much they miss them." Gon continued without realizing that Crona was feeling embarrassed.

"Awwww" Patty hugged the pinkette once more with a cat-like mouth smile. Later yanked off from the Meister by her older sister.

"Please teach us your alien writing, Kid! Crona told us all about your world too!"
Kid nervously laughed at the boy who was looking up at him with stars in his eyes.
He clearly was overwhelmed but flattered by the green ball of sunshine but there was obviously no time to be goofing around. Or so he thought.

"Gon, c'mon you gotta ask the important questions here." Killua pushed aside his friend with a grin and now infront of they're new guest.
"We wanna see your weapon and perhaps how you fight. Crona showed us theirs and since you're here, why not?"

Kid eyed the white haired boy for a second and slightly bent down to reach his height.
"Fight? Nonsense, I have no time to fight easy opponents. I'm only here to retrieve our missing friend."

"Easy? Psh yeah right. Why don't you ask Crona about that? They fought the deadliest group of thieves known. Pfft I can probably beat you, Death the Kid." Killua spat his name with a cocky grin.

"What's with this lost sassy child?" Kid pointed at the boy, becoming slightly annoyed.

Gon laughed nervously and ran between them before a real fight would happen.
"Sorry about, Killua. You'll get used to him."

"So you're Killua."
Kid mumbled, standing straight and eyeing the boy carefully.
Killua stared back but slightly concerned about what Kid might be thinking.
Maybe even feeling uneasy.

"Yeah and I'm Gon! It's nice to meet you!" The boy smiled.
Kid stared at the other boy and nodded.
"At least one of you are respectful in the presence of a Shinigami." He continued as he fixed his outfit.

Crona was still shaking but out of happiness. The fact that there is a possible way out made them feel secure and hopeful. Especially seeing a familiar face with them. Of course there were a lot of questions needed to be answered but they think it would be great for their friends from this world finally meet one friend from the many stories they will be asked to tell by the boys. Yes Killua and Kid didn't get along instantly but maybe later on they will learn.

"Dude I am telling you, a Kid vs Killua fight is something I want to see." Ragnarok snickered as he watched the others alongside his partner.

"Well maybe let's not let that happen okay? Right now, let's just be glad okay Ragnarok?" Crona pleaded.

"Whatever you say, you big oaf." The little demon complied.

Patty and Liz shuffled themselves to the sides of their Meister, getting ready for a proper introduction now that their wanted audience is infront of them

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

Patty and Liz shuffled themselves to the sides of their Meister, getting ready for a proper introduction now that their wanted audience is infront of them.

"My name is Patty Thompson! I'm the younger one and I beat up a Giraffe before. It was a tough one but I won with pride haha! One of my greatest achievements."

"I am Elizabeth Thompson. The older sibling. My sister is a big handful so please be patient with her. All I can say is hopefully we don't find any problems while we're here."

"And I am Death the Kid, Son of Lord Death who is head of the DMWA. Meister of the Two Demon Guns and friends with Crona. Balance of symmetry is all I hope and wish the world will be once I become a True Death God. We thank you for looking after Crona."

The Thompson sister finished with a smile while Kid kept a serious look, standing in front of their audience.

"And we can't wait to learn about you! It's great meeting you all!" Gon smiled back at the three.

"Kid basically was talking nonsense but whatever makes you happy. Balance of symmetry? What kind of crap is that?"
Killua smirked again, finding it fun teasing the uptight Shinigami.

"It's what makes one beautiful. Having one side the same as the other, such a wonderful image. Of course you wouldn't understand, your hair irks me." Kid scoffed, not wanting to bother with the white haired boy.

"Kid, but your hair has only three stripes on one side." Gon bluntly but curiously said, not knowing the result of those words.
But Liz and Patty did making one giggle while the other groan, waiting for their Meister's breakdown.

Even Ragnarok was getting ready to plug his non-existent ears.

This isn't Death City? (HunterxHunter X Soul Eater Crossover)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora