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"Ready? Set! Go!"

Gon, Killua, and Ragnarok started to chow down to all of their food that they took to the picnic. Crona only watched the fun competition while eating slowly on whatever they found appetizing.

They were all in a nice picnic area in a park. Crona liked the gentle breeze and the view of where they were sitting and not to mention the space between other people who were having their own picnic.

Ragnarok took a huge bite out of a chicken wing, exposing the bone.
"That's not fair! We don't even know if you have a stomach!" Killua took a huge bite out of his food as well.
Gon on the other hand focused on the competition, grabbing whatever snack would be the quickest to digest.

"H-Hey be careful. I don't want any of you to choke." Crona nervously laughs.
This brought back memories for them. Not to mention how competitive the boys are. Kind of like Soul and Blackstar.

Gon spat, making food from his mouth fly towards Killua making him disgusted.
Gon jumped up and ran over to a blonde male with a blue and golden colored outfit.

Killua wiped his face with his sleeve.
"This calls for revenge." He picks up a pie that wasn't surprisingly touched and runs over to where Gon was.
"Hey I'm still going ya know!" Ragnarok continued eating the leftover food.
"I think you are the winner then." Crona munched on their snack.
"Just cause I won doesn't mean I'm gonna stop haha!"

"Why you!"

Crona looked over and saw Gon, face being covered by pie, chasing Killua but only getting pied on the face again.
Crona giggled. The more they hang with these boys, the more they feel safe. Safe enough to smile.

"You must be Crona."

Crona froze and looked up, seeing the blonde man who Gon referred to as Kurapika.
They nodded as a reply.
"Mind if I take a seat with you." He asks politely. They shook their head, letting Kurapika sit beside them.
Getting a closer look, Crona notices how he has well brushed hair reaching to his neck, one earring on one ear, and clothes kind of resembling a tribe like design. Not to mention a glimpse of chains in one hand.

"No need to worry. Gon told me about the whole misunderstanding on the phone before getting here."
Crona sighed in relief. They felt so afraid ever since they heard Kurapika's strict voice through the phone talking about the Phantom Troupe.
"But I am still curious about your relations with the Spiders."
Their goes Crona's nervousness coming up again.

"Here pretty boy, eat some chicken and enjoy yourself. We're here for a nice picnic with the homies, not a court case." Ragnarok puts a chicken wing in Kurapika's hands, surprising them.
"Oh uhhh thank you?" Kurapika took the food in confusion, wondering what they just witnessed. A small creature connecting to Crona.

"Sorry about Ragnarok. He's always like this." Crona said nervously.
"Ragnarok….that's somewhat cool." Kurapika smiled, making Crona feel calm.
"Gon told me how you had a purpose to hunt the Phantom Troupe."
"Oh yes. It's upsetting how I wasn't the one who finished them off, but they are gone and I should be glad that they will no longer make anyone go through what I had to go through."
"What did you have to go through? If you don't mind sharing. I understand if it's personal and all-"
Kurapika giggled at the pink haired meister's nervous rambling.
"Now that I met you, I don't think you would be part of the spiders after all."
"Oh ummm thank you I guess." Crona flustered in embarrassment. They met so many people in their period of time staying here. They were all interesting, good or bad.
"Well I am the last surviving member if the Kurta Clan and-"

Crona got to know more about Kurapika. How his clan is known for having the most beautiful eyes in the world, which Crona would very like to see, and how they appear when showing very strong emotions.
He also told what the Troupe has done to his clan , making Crona feel guilty about almost becoming a spider.
And Ragnarok still continued to feast on whatever scraps he could find.

"You're lucky that that pie was delicious."
Gon and Killua walked towards the two.
"Heyyyy Ragnarok! You didn't leave any leftovers for us. Not even a crumb." Gon pouted.
"I'm no loser. Plus i ain't leaving any of that to waste! That was the best meal i had for years." The small demon laughed.
"We can always get more, don't worry Gon." Killua patted his friend's shoulder.
"Anyways let's get back! Let's talk about what to do now that you don't have to worry anymore, Kurapika. You too Crona!"

"Yeah, you said that the Troupe would hunt you down if you escaped. They're gone!" Gon smiled.
"That's what I've been telling youuu." Ragnarok poked his partner's head.

"Did they really say that, Crona?" Kurapika looked over with more of a serious look.
"Yeah but don't worry about it. Like you said, they're gone." Crona gave a quick nervous smile.
Kurapika softened their face and smiled.

"What do you mean don't worry about it? We're your friends and we'll worry whenever we want to. Now c'mon!" Gon smiled, grabbing Crona's hand, dragging them to where Leorio should be.

"Friends." Crona mumbled.

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