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After a while of convincing, Kurapika decided to let Crona help but only if Crona sticks with him. He knows that he is capable of defeating a Spider more than the others so he felt like it is best if Crona would be by his side at all times. It lets him and the others feel relieved.
Even knowing that Crona won a fight against number 2, he still felt like it’s best to keep them in his view unless something goes completely wrong for example, a fight.

“Crona are you sure you don’t want to stay here or at least be in the car with Leorio?” Kurapika said, putting on accessories for his disguise.
Crona nodded their head with a determined look, making Kurapika sigh.
"Alright but you stay with me alright?"

"Wait Kurapika, isn't it also necessary for Crona to be in disguise as well? I mean they would recognize that messy pink hair right?" Leorio spoke.
"Haha yeah! Do you have any more wigs Kurapika?" Gon looked up at the two adults.
Crona blushed by the thought of wearing a wig, they would look silly.
'Is my hair really that bad?" They thought.

"I do not. I got this one only for this purpose."
Crona sighed in relief, glad that they wouldn't embarrass themselves in public.

"I got another hoodie I don't mind sharing. This is kind of a big deal so I could lend you that." Killua looks at Crona with his arms behind his head.
"That'd be great Killua."
Killua nodded and walked to a room shortly coming back with a black jacket. "Here."
Crona nodded as thanks and began to put their arms through the sleeves and put the hood over their face. They made sure the hood wouldn't come off so easily.
It was a little small cause of the difference in height, but it did a good job of hiding their identity.
"You look all scary Crona!" Gon giggled.
"But it is good camouflage in the night. Thank you Killua." Kurapika smiled.

Crona and the others made their way outside to the car. There they met up with Kurapika's business partner, Melody.
Crona looked at the short figure and did a small wave while she waved back.
"You have such an interesting tune." Melody smiled.
"Tune?" Crona tilted their head.
"Melody has the ability to hear heartbeats." Kurapika said, making Crona nod.
"That's amazing."
"Your heartbeat sounds paranoid and a bit sorrowful but at the same time determined and ready." Melody waves her finger as if she was leading an orchestra.
Crona looked lost, they never heard anyone tell them the sound of their heartbeat and accurately describe their feelings. To them, it was a bit creepy but nice.

"Killua, Melody. You know where to go right?" Kurapika interrupted the other disguised figure's thoughts.
Killua nodded and stood next to Melody, waiting for the others to be on their way.
With that, the rest of the four went inside the car with Leorio driving.

"Crona you kind of look like the Grim Reaper. I bet with Ragnarok's sword form, you'll look even more spooky." Gon confessed, giggling.
Crona turned their head to Gon with a confused smile, but Gon couldn't see it of course. The only thing that popped up in their mind was Death. Did they look like Kid's dad?
"I-Is that supposed to be an insult or a compliment?"
"Oh sorry! Did it seem mean? I mean the Grim Reaper is scary"
"No no it's fine. It's funny. He is really different up close."
"Huuuhhh? Up close!? " Gon awed.

The two adults would hear the two kids having nice conversations, Gon doing most of the talking, while they head their way to where the Spiders would be.

"Yeah and I'm hoping to go back to Whale Island with Killua so that he could meet Aunt Mito!"
"How is it there?"
"Oh it's super great and peaceful. Hey Crona, why don't you come with us?"
"What do you mean?"
"After all of this is over, I can take you to Whale Island and show you how the countryside is! Ooooo maybe you can help me find my dad!"
Crona looked at the little ray of sunshine with widened eyes.
They don't know what to say. Well they did, it's just that they didn't want to see the boy frown from what they would've said.
"I don't know Gon." They scratched their neck.

"Nice offer kid but we gotta skedaddle back home ya hear."
Looks like Ragnarok joined the conversation making Crona cringe.
"Ohhh right i totally forgot. Sorry about that." Gon nervously laughed.
"Ehhh but to be honest, this place is a bit better than Death City." Ragnarok snickered, purposely wanting to get on Crona's nerves.
"Why don't we make an extended stay huh Crona?" He stretched so that he would see Crona face to face.
"You're not supposed to come out, Ragnarok. You have to stay hidden so go back please." Crona demanded, wanting to avoid their partner's question.
"Awww but this seems so much fun." He teased, playing with the top of Crona's hood.
Ragnarok keeps mocking their partner until they feel the car being parked.
Ragnarok stops and disappears, not actually wanting to mess the plan up.

Gon leans over to the front while holding onto Kurapika's seat. "Hey isn't that them right there?" He pointed.
Crona leaned over to see what he was pointing at and saw a familiar group walking out of a huge building. They looked at Kurapika and noticed how tense he seemed.
The Kurta opened the car door quickly and ran out.
"Kurapika!" Leorio shouted.
Crona and Leorio had a face of shock but Gon on the other hand opened his door and followed Kurapika.
Crona went out of the car and gazed at the direction the two went. "I got dressed up for this reason." They mumbled while running after the two, leaving Leorio in the car.

"Crona!" Gon looked to the side and see Crona catching up.
"Crona?" Kurapika looked back as well.
"I'm just following orders." Crona said with Kurapika nodding.
"You're fast!" Gon complimented.
Crona smiled under their hood, but little did Gon know was that Crona was running out of breath. Like they said before, they aren't good with physical sports.

As they run, they see the Spiders taking notice of being followed. The Troupe quickly turned around making the hunters split. Kurapika grabbed Crona's wrist and hid near a small narrow alleyway. Gon hid behind a mailbox in front of them.

"Come out. We already know you're here."
Crona heard Machi's stern voice. Oh how they longed to forget about her scary voice.
Kurapika lets go of Crona and readies their chains. The meister felt like whatever the Kurta was about to do isn't going to end up in a good note. Gon took notice, thinking the same thing.
"Hey sorry! I can stop following you if you let me go!" Gon jumped away from his hiding spot and raised his arms up in front of the group.
"Gon." Kurapika whispered.

"The other one. Come out." Machi said.

Crona gulped but heard faint footsteps behind them. They turn around and see Killua making their way towards them. "How?" Crona whispered.
"Rooftop" Killua replied, leaving the hiding spot and walking next to Gon.

"Sorry we followed you." Killua raised his arms up like how his friend did, expecting the Troupe to accept it.
"Now can you let us go?"

"I'm not finished." Machi added.

"The third one, come out!"

This isn't Death City? (HunterxHunter X Soul Eater Crossover)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu