" Evidence is sent to you"

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" Evidence is sent to you".

Oh ok. Hold on might need to come out of the call.

"I need to leave Heathrow now to catch my train at Paddington or I will miss it".

Then just fly back here

" Ha funny. But got things here to do".

Before I go. I wanna ask ya something. Do you have something to do with my missing Pj bottoms.

"No. Why?".

It's just that I'm naked under here as I have nothing to wear. Wanna see.

" Jordan" as he playfully pulled at the covers. I may have said it a little too loud as heads turned again. I wish they stop.

Oh, look a foot and now a leg.

"Just stop, please".

Mmm more of a leg.

" Just stop".


"Please just stop".

Don't worry. Just as he pulled the covers. I'm wearing boxers.


Hey you gone bright red.

" Just don't," I say. Everyone is now looking. "I hate you".

No, you don't. You lllllooooooovvvvvvveeeeeee mmmmeeee.

" Wanna bet".

How can you not love this? he points to himself. He winks back.  Hold on and I can see if I can see it while being on video call.

His screen goes black but I can still hear him. There were a few curse words. Then he's back. I'm talking to him while walking through Heathrow towards Heathrow Express. The familiar coffee shop prevents me from going any further. My friends look at me.

"What?" I say "Hold on Jordan there's something I need to do".

Okay. It's nearly four am here. He yawns.

" I will hang up so you can get some sleep".

I wanna talk to you.

"But you look tired".

I'm fine. He yawns again. I will sleep when I'm home.

Soon I'm back on the phone. "Hi" I say.

He opens his eyes and notices something in my hand. Is that what I think it is. Now that's mean.

"I need something as I haven't had much sleep".

But two. Now sees another one.

I got you one.

Gimme. Me need some caffeine intake.

" How am I supposed to do that?".

Dunno through the phone.

"Really Jordan. You're sleep-deprived".

I'm fine.

" Go to sleep. We will talk later".

OK. Sounding like a child being told off. He kisses his phone and waves. Blows a kiss before saying bye. Then he is gone.

"I thought he'd never get off the phone".

"You OK".

" Yeah". My phone goes off again.

The girl is blocked and reported

That's one problem gone but there are still others. We soon all arrive at Paddington station. This is where we all go our separate ways until next fangirling time. That will be in September for Fenway Park. We all hug and say our goodbyes. Now I head home with great friends and a boyfriend. But also a few enemies because of who my boyfriend is.

See you in three weeks just about. Looking at flights now. And of course somewhere to stay.

Wait a minute that's his birthday. Not just a birthday but an important one. Shouldn't he be celebrating with his family.

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