Already dead

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Jayde's POV: 

My eye's shuttered open, revealing a plain white ceiling. I rolled over, feeling the pain from my hips instantly. I quickly took in my surroundings,  taking in the disgusting smell of old sheets. A hospital room. I sat up trying to see if I was alone, only to find a sleeping William in the chair beside me. I took my arm and ripped the IV out. Disconnecting all the wires I was attached to. Swinging my legs to the side, allowing my feet to hang down from the bed. I tried to get up, taking a step only to cry out in pain. Leaning my weight against a nearby wall. The pain in my chest radiating through my entire body, making it hard for me to even think straight. 

"What are you doing up, you should be resting" William stated. I turned my head, watching as he came towards me. I stood up straight, trying to swing a punch at him. I fell back, the wall catching me and allowing me to regain my balance. "Jayde, you are in no condition to fight. Just get in the bed" William ordered. Crossing his arms and staring at me. Motioning his hands for me to follow.

"I'm good. I think I'm just gonna head out" I stated walking out the door. I soon lost my feet from under me, waiting for the impact of the ground . Accept it never came. I opened my eye's, of course he caught me. He really couldn't be more romantic, its disgusting. Picking me up and placing me back down on the bed. He took his seat next to my bed and gave me a warning look. 

He was right. I was in no condition to fight my way out of here.

 " Why didn't you let me die? I was practically dead, why not finish me off" I mutter, turning to face him. 

He let out a chuckle and rolled his eye's. " And you called me the idiot" he joked. 

"That's because you are" I shot back. 

He just looked down, running his hands through his hair looking back up at me. "I'm not going to explain myself to you Jayde" He stated calmly. 

I rolled my eye's.

 Suddenly the door burst open. "You're okay? I thought you died. Your ear piece went dark and the video cameras showed you getting stabbed" Luke trembled. Walking towards my bed side and taking my hand. I look up at him to see his eye's become watery. 

William got up from his chair, standing straight trying to appear intimidating. "Get out" William barked pointing at the door. I sat up and swung my feet off the bed. I gripped Luke's hand, using it to pull myself up. I stumbled, falling into his arms.

 "Jayde, you shouldn't be up" Luke muttered, helping me stand up straight.

 "Get Out" William repeated once again, this time with more rage. Making both me and Luke snap our heads toward him. 

I turn my head back so I was facing Luke. "Lets go" I whisper, letting him know of my intentions. "Don't worry, we're leaving" I say making my way to the door. William stepped in front of the door. I walked towards him so we were face to face. "Move"I yelled, standing tall and holding my head high. William didn't move. I started to stumble back, Luke grabbing me and pulling me back up. 

I heard the sound of a gun being loaded. "William, put the gun down" I ordered rolling my eye's. 

"I said it once, I won't say it again. Last warning Luke, get out" William yelled moving out of the way and opening the door. Luke walked over to the door and I followed. He exited the room, as I was walking out William stepped in the way.

 "Get back in the bed" he snarled.

"No" I stated while trying to move past him. I brought my knee up, kicking him in the privates. He collapsed to the side, moving out of the way. I stepped over him and walked out. "

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